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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I think we need a map showing the Pacific ring of fire. Maybe with the positions of certain island chains...
  2. I have no problem with this, so long as they give up the legal protections they so often hide behind.
  3. The left is trying to arrange a situation where US Border Patrol/military opens fire on the caravan, just in time for the mid terms (it's not a coincidence that they keep shuffling the women and children to the front of the mob.) Makes me wonder what the 'migrants' were told when they were paid to set off north. They want to create another Kent State massacre, just to win a ***** election. Absolutely sick.
  4. It's Texas, not Buffalo.
  5. Bah, that's only illegal if the refs can count!
  6. What an attention-seeking goof. He truly is an ambulance chaser. He won't last past the first debate - if they'll even let him in the door.
  7. If Rex could only have consistently gotten 11 players on the field for defense....
  8. Yes, allegations matter more than proof - but only if you're a Republican. Look at Ellison, for example. There's actual proof that he beats his women, but it's swept under the carpet by their media allies. Can't have the #2 guy at the DNC going down, after all.
  9. I swear I read yesterday that the number of 'refugees' had reduced by 2/3 (to about 1,000). Now today they're saying 5,000?
  10. Interesting. If you go to the AFP tweet, there's people saying that's actually footage from a bridge between Venezuela and Columbia.
  11. The Democrats will want indisputable physical evidence, backed by an affidavit from God, notarized by Jesus Christ, but only after the existence of God is proven.
  12. Putin doesn't have the economic resources to engage in a meaningful arms race. Were he to try, we still have the ability to pump out a lot more shale oil to depress the price of oil - his major revenue stream.
  13. I love how the NPCs didn't give a flying crap when Turkey was taking out journalists, but suddenly now care about the safety of the media when a Saudi Journalist is killed in Turkey. It's almost like they're only outraged when told to be.
  14. Holy schiff, that article is hilariously ignorant.
  15. Stop obfuscating with facts, proper grammar, and the dictionary. You actual literal Nazi!
  16. That's what happens when you spike the punch at a gang-rape party.
  17. We don't want them fags spreading their gay-laden demon seed!
  18. That's next week. This week the Court is focused on re-instituting slavery. November is take-away-grandma's-health-insurance month. The wholesale slaughter of women and blacks by the Court's executioners begins in the December term.
  19. I, for one, will only appear before a Congressional committee (no sub-committies) on the Tuesday following a Bills Super Bowl victory in years where there is a Presidential election, and only if the day is even-numbered. I will additionally only take questions from congressmen who believe my story, and who are also wearing Bills-related clothing. Hats preferable, ties acceptable. Zubaz pants would be fantastic. I must also be allowed to smoke Scalia's pipe during my testimony.
  20. Trump clearly profited because shut up, you racist!
  21. Interesting that he's been arrested in the past for attacking and intimidating Republican women. They only now 'fire' him. Pretty clear what his job duties are. This guy is a hired thug, a coward, and a loser.
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