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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Found in a mail box near his him when he was, conveniently, not home. Smells of false flagging by the left. So, are you trying to imply that a raid by ATF forces, under the direction of a Democrat AG and President is somehow a right-wing act of violence?
  2. Do we get to share the co-ed showers with Dina Meyer?
  3. I'm sure the women are just doing what their husbands are ordering them to do. We'll find out when 'What Happened 2: The Wrath of Putin' is published early next year.
  4. Trump is getting results with his polices. He has exposed the media for the biased partisan hacks they are. He drives the liberals (even more) insane with each inane tweet. He has fought for, and received, trade deals that were fair to the US. He's not afraid to pick a fight with anyone, including China and Russia, if he believes he is doing what is right for America. He beat Hillary. Oh, I'm still voting Libertarian in 2020, but that's only because my vote in NY is meaningless, and it would amuse the hell out of me to make the Libertarian party eligible for full federal funding in 2024.
  5. Not only is Trump orange, but he had TWO SCOOPS of ice cream. He is literally worse than Hitler.
  6. That or an RGIII-type trade. She may be worth 3 firsts.
  7. Even better, just tell Mexico that, since the US military cannot operate on US soil in a law enforcement capacity, they will be meeting (and turning back) the caravan in Mexican territory. Hope they don't mind a foreign military invasion.
  8. Interesting that they used last night to turn Ambrose after winning the titles. I would have guessed they do it at Crown Jewel or something. Well played by the WWE - was a huge shock to everyone. Rollins and Ambrose played it perfectly too, from Rollins saying, "it's ok, man" to Ambrose after the initial Dirty Deeds, to Ambrose throwing the belts at Rollins in the time keeper area, telling him "this is all you care about." I hope WWE creative doesn't ***** this story up, after a perfect start to the angle.
  9. Most NFL coaches would trade their mothers for a first round pick.
  10. Ah, the excuses for losing start piling up. Maybe there should be a book about 'What Happened'...
  11. That report is oppressive, misogynistic, and racist. It uses fancy words that the uneducated and illiterate cannot understand, and it is written in English, which discriminates against all of those who speak other languages. It's also so long-winded at 50+ pages that it discriminates against those with ADHD, PTSD, STDs, and SPLCs. That's not even getting into the abject disparagement of Asians, Latin Americans, and Slavs.
  12. Yeah, it's a clear winning strategy when they are virtually assured to lose seats in the Senate, and are increasingly unlikely to take the House.
  13. 1.) They're not running on any of these. 2.) Their actual platform is to raise taxes, eliminate border security, impeach Trump for beating Hillary, impeach Kavanaugh for being confirmed, and start as many frivolous and disingenuous investigations as they can, while lying about the results of their frivolity. 3.) They're so ***** stupid that they have yet to figure out that "Orange man bad" is not a winning strategy. They deserve to lose. All they had to do was not be crazy, and they couldn't pull it off.
  14. Well, I guess something about you would have to be manly eventually...
  15. The focus group-approved term is now "dog whistle". "Code phrase" is no longer in vogue.
  16. It's amazing that they keep going with the spaghetti strategy, rather than coming up with an actual platform.
  17. Don't believe I've ever heard anyone actually break kayfabe like that and tell people his real name. Rollins looked like he was barely keeping it together. I really hope Reigns recovers quickly. He's not in for a fun time putting his cancer back into remission.
  18. Call it political, social, or whatever. I call this damned entertaining government.
  19. How long will the left try to promote Crazy-Eyes before they realize she's not eligible to be POTUS due the the rampant racism sexism ageism written into the Constitution?
  20. This idiot's presidential aspirations are done. He'll be lucky if they don't yank (or at least suspend) his law license soon for repeatedly lying to the courts.
  21. Wow, that's actually worse than the YMCA ripoff.
  22. I'd love for Trump to tell the president of Mexico that the US military will not be meeting these 'migrants' at the US Border, but instead they will seize a 1 mile strip of Mexican territory as a buffer zone - turning back the 'migrants' on Mexican soil. Apparently Mexico does not have a problem with invading armies, after all...
  23. Tomorrow's headline: Trump stands by idly as Hurricane Willa pounds migrants in Mexico.
  24. Wow, for a guy who claims he's won a billion dollars in judgments, he sure can't seem to pay his bills.
  25. Wow, talk about poor choreography. Did these jackwagons even practice?!
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