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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Are you trying to bait gator into one of his patented 'hold my beer' moments?
  2. In order to be a bully, one has to be at least minimally intimidating. This beady-eyed unethical ambulance chaser couldn't intimidate anyone older than 8.
  3. He's a progressive fascist liberal. He can't be racist, even when commenting on the "token negroes".
  4. Uh oh. He had a typo in his tweet. His presidency is now invalid and he must be ignored and impeached. #Resist #OrangeManBad
  5. 43 miles in a day, with no food, water, shelter, or breaks. It's almost Moses-like how they trek across the desert on foot before getting into trucks and buses to reach the next photo op.
  6. Has the NY Times learned their lesson about asking for pictures of fake news?
  7. That is ***** awesome.
  8. He beat Hillary, said that there were some fine people protesting the removal of confederate statues and stated that the fake news was the enemy of the people! On top of that he had TWO SCOOPS of ice cream! What more proof do you want? He is actual literal super mecha-Hitler incarnate.
  9. That's one way to coordinate timing.
  10. That's guy's twitter page is one hell of a liberal echo chamber. The amount of stupid contained in their responses is truly amazing.
  11. That's hilarious.
  12. Tibs isn't wrong. Obama 'acts' like a good man. The problem is that Obama isn't.
  13. As many as it takes before 'civility' returns upon a Democrat victory.
  14. That depends on your answer: Why do you hate black people?
  15. I'll always be a Hulk Hogan mark. Terry Bollea may be a gigantic piece of crap, but I can separate that loathsome troll from what Hulk Hogan the character stood for. As for heels, there is none better than:
  16. I think Acosta is more focused on trying to get attention for a show of his own than worrying about looking like a colossal tool.
  17. You know who else called himself a 'nationalist'?
  18. I would have guessed that they would be marching towards a more rural border crossing to overwhelm the border agents, or just a tract of open land (though that would defeat the 'refugee' narrative.)
  19. I'm waiting for Antifa to screw with a group of people packing Elon Musk's personal flame throwers. That will be fantastic video.
  20. Not the greatest mug shot ever. She's probably average-to-decent looking when not in shock for being arrested as a child molester. I would.
  21. I will not "cut out the accusations" that you cannot properly use a stolen meme.
  22. Gary the Rapist, unable to properly use a stolen meme.
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