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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. One obviously faked "arrest", and two "medics" getting harassed by the "military". Or, in other words, two completely faked videos.
  2. The comments under the tweet are hilarious. Those leftists are truly stupid.
  3. Governor Abrams tries to stay relevant; lays groundwork of excuses for when they lose.
  4. A very chilly room in the middle of Antarctica right about now.
  5. Oh no, first you had to work 7 whole hours the other day, then you had to pay taxes! I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
  6. Oh, the morons on the left really have him *this* time!
  7. It's not a coincidence that 3 most powerful lobby groups in NY are all public sector unions. Best thing Scott Walker ever did as governor of Wisconsin was to break their teacher's union.
  8. Eh, just wait about 5 more months, and the birthrate will skyrocket.
  9. Take it easy on the man, Jim. He worked 7 whole hours.
  10. Ouch. That's an old-fashioned ass whoopin'.
  11. I don't disagree, but she needs to make her own choices in life. If she's happy continuing to be on the bench, then so be it. I strongly suspect that she's waiting to see if Biden is elected, were she actually considering retirement.
  12. I'm sure it was all because of an obscure video on youtube that no one ever watched.
  13. With a fork, usually.
  14. Carlos Danger.
  15. C'mon man, do you really expect most of our leftist posters to have an original idea (or even to pull off a stolen idea with any degree of competence)?
  16. At least post the ***** recipe, or a link, ya jackass. Now I'm hungry.
  17. Well, that's easy: We'll just tax the 'rich' at 800% of their total wealth per year, instead of the 600% needed to fund all of the other moronic wish-list items. That, or wait for the rainbow-farting unicorns to arrive.
  18. Yes, but those 9.4% self-identified as 100%, so therefore you must respect their choice.
  19. Can't disagree with her notion that it shouldn't have to be considered 'brave' to come to work as a centrist.
  20. It's just unfortunate that Trump refusing to exercise unconstitutional dictatorial powers is ruining their day.
  21. Efficiency, man. They cut out the middleman in the name of social progress.
  22. Hey man, that Nazi iconography is not cool.
  23. Mmm, chicken trumpolini...
  24. Grant Imahara (Mythbusters Engineer) Dead at 49
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