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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I think we need a book about what happened.
  2. They're saving it up for the streets of San Francisco.
  3. Still more Native American than Elizabeth Warren.
  4. You know, for a deranged dipschiff who should spend the rest of his life in prison... that was pretty damned inspired.
  5. Of course not. Feinstein wouldn't have been in a position to say that if Trump had not made a campaign speech 2.5 years ago where he dared to use violent rhetoric, such as offering to the pay legal bills of anyone who took care of disruptive asshats. The non-bomber bomber, the Jew hating liberal, and 2 straight months of Christmas music/Hallmark Christmas movies is clearly all Trump's fault, unlike the economy and North Korea, which was all results of Obama's enlightened rule.
  6. So, in other words, he's a typical liberal. Short short version: Orange Man Bad.
  7. What do you want? "Double dumbass pork chop on you" is about all they have left anymore.
  8. Yes the rules are different here. People don't get away with posting like dipschiffs for long, unlike TSW.
  9. It's real simple in PPP. If you act like a dumbass, you're going to get treated like one (including being called an idiot, moron, and/or retard.) If you come here and post rationally, back up your arguments, and engage in a conversation, then you'll earn respect. In short: if you (or anyone else) don't want to be called a retard, don't ***** act like one.
  10. Kinda like how they darkened OJ Simpson's mug shot in the 90's.
  11. Sending non-functional "bombs" is not even close to the same thing as a "bombing".
  12. Man, not even halfway into the design...
  13. So... road trip?
  14. Are you sure German Hillary isn't wearing a muumuu?
  15. Did flair have his own million dollar championship? I think not.
  16. Hate to break it to you, but the Bills aren't going back to the playoffs this year. Trading for rental players right now is a waste of draft picks.
  17. Hey guys, let's trade for everyone, then sit around in April complaining that the Bills have no draft picks!
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