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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I would in a heartbeat. As an aside: Wouldn't have any insomnia problems with her around either...
  2. You can't have free speech ratified treaties when you reasonably fear armed response.
  3. #IMPEACH #NotMyAssociateJustice #SaveUsNotoriousRBG
  4. Stewart is absolutely correct. Many journalists are narcissistic asswads with delusions that they are more important than they actually are. They really think that they are heroes fighting against tyranny, and cannot comprehend that they're being played for the fools they truly are. SiriusXM has a station called POTUS. Every afternoon they have a show called The Press Pool, hosted by Julie Mason (an ex-White House reporter). For the most part, it's an interesting show, but on Fridays she does a 'reporters round table', where she and her panel of guest journalists discuss whatever. It's amazing listen to the ego stroking clueless lefty echo chamber they turn into. They honestly don't realize or understand how stupid and biased Trump makes them look. The sad part is that they don't even have to be 'fake news' to trash Trump. He sets them up perfectly, but they always have to go with that extra blatant lie (whether outright or by omission.)
  5. Well, on the bright side: Barkley's career 1:2.25 TD to INT ratio is far better than Peterman's (which is 1:3)...
  6. Your concern over his rectal health is touching. Good luck with that.
  7. Gary doesn't do memes well (or correctly).
  8. 58 of the survivors died for a lack of medical attention for the ~40 seconds that Trump was shaking hands. He really is actual literal super mecha-Hitler.
  9. Lightweights.
  10. I doubt his double-tap suicide was a political decision. The man was clearly troubled... twice... in the back of the head.
  11. They charged him with Disorderly Conduct, a non-criminal violation. It's a pretty weak charge. Maximum punishment is up to 15 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $250 (with a $125 surcharge, because I love NY.)
  12. The dance breaks by the Fabulous Truth... still not old.
  13. Michael Avenatti is going to release a sworn statement soon, outlining how Ms. Swetnick attended 142 rape parties between 1983 (when she stopped going to Kavanaugh's rape parties) and 1987, where she saw Robert Mueller and James Comey passing out green Solo cups to women before waiting outside the bedroom for their turn in the train rapes. Ms. Swetnick didn't accept any "punch" from Mueller, and kept attending the parties until she was, unfortunately, gang raped for the 40th time. Ms. Swetnick wishes for her privacy to be respected and for the media not to contact her. She is available for media interviews any day this week. Her tell-all book will be coming out in mid-november.
  14. NPCwalkerinPhilly is exactly what I've been talking about. He pops in with a stupid comment, refuses to back up any of his drivel, cries when he's called an idiot for being an idiot, then runs away like a little B word when challenged. He gets no respect, because he hasn't earned any. Here's some advice: if you want respect, stop acting like a moron, you ***** NPC twit.
  15. They need this guy behind the wheel:
  16. What "judicial powers" does this guy think Kavanaugh had as a DC Circuit Judge?
  17. The Jamestown settlement is cool. The Nauticus Maritime Museum is really neat, they feature tours of the battleship Wisconsin. Bit of a drive from Williamsburg, but worth it. There's also a boat tour of the River, including going past the Norfolk Naval base. The Mariner's Museum is awesome. Lots on the Monitor & Merrimack (including large pieces recovered from the USS Monitor.)
  18. Good God, she is a ***** moron.
  19. Damned Dutchman!
  20. This reads like a Jim Acosta "Dear Diary" tweet. It's about as factually accurate as a CNN story as well! Well done. You're a good little NPC.
  21. Gee, you'd almost think that they're trying to manipulate the numbers because the real data doesn't support their doomsday 'we need more grant money and to institute global wealth redistribution' scenarios.
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