Stewart is absolutely correct. Many journalists are narcissistic asswads with delusions that they are more important than they actually are. They really think that they are heroes fighting against tyranny, and cannot comprehend that they're being played for the fools they truly are.
SiriusXM has a station called POTUS. Every afternoon they have a show called The Press Pool, hosted by Julie Mason (an ex-White House reporter). For the most part, it's an interesting show, but on Fridays she does a 'reporters round table', where she and her panel of guest journalists discuss whatever. It's amazing listen to the ego stroking clueless lefty echo chamber they turn into. They honestly don't realize or understand how stupid and biased Trump makes them look.
The sad part is that they don't even have to be 'fake news' to trash Trump. He sets them up perfectly, but they always have to go with that extra blatant lie (whether outright or by omission.)