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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. 1.) I should clarify: Indians were not considered under the jurisdiction of the US, even after the 14th Amendment (until the Indian Citizenship Act) because they have always been considered sovereign (i.e. 'Indians not taxed' being referenced in the original draft of the Constitution, excluding them from a State's population for representation purposes.) Because they were sovereign nations, they were not 'under the jurisdiction' of the US. Either way, since that special status applied only to them, it's a non-starter. 2.) The meaning of the word 'jurisdiction' hasn't really changed since the 19th century (or the 14th century, for that matter). 3.) We're not talking about some long-arm statute or tangential relationship to the US financial sector. If you are physically in a county, or state, you are subject to that country's (or state's) laws. That country/state has legal power over you. That's what jurisdiction means. The lack of comprehension of that concept does not render the term meaningless. 4.) The intent was to make everyone born in the US, other than the families of diplomats and "Indians not taxed", specifically freed black slaves, citizens of the US. The intent was to give birthright citizenship. The fact that it has turned into a cottage industry, due to an unforeseen consequence, does not invalidate its intent.
  2. 1.) Indian nations have been considered sovereign (not to mention US citizens), so that's a non-starter. 2.) You have to give effect to the plain meaning of words. That's basic jurisprudence. If the legislature phrased something a certain way, they're intending it to be that way. 3.) You cannot go to a neighboring state, commit a crime, then claim they have no jurisdiction over you because you're not a resident. It don't work that way. 4.) If you're in a foreign country, you ARE subject to their laws. They have jurisdiction (as in official power) over you. This is not a complicated legal concept.
  3. Bottom line is that if you're on US soil, you're subject to US jurisdiction.
  4. I love twitter. This is now considered "sensitive material" that I need to click on to view:
  5. I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
  6. Shadow war or internal power struggle? This happening during the 15 minutes the body guard left, after he was turned away from going to a protest by the government is incredibly suspicious.
  7. Those bigoted asshats use WHITE snow in their movies. Completely discriminates against frozen water of color.
  8. Yes to both. Though they aren't from Mississippi...
  9. How are we going to stop the horrific and unreasonable release of methane into the air, causing global warming climate change, if we allow the cows releasing the offending farts to live? Meat is safety! Meat is salvation!
  10. Well, it's about that time of the century to have an amphibious landing at Veracruz...
  11. Dear uninformed dipschiff sitting a few rows behind me...
  12. She's far nicer that I am. I would simply let him know that I cannot stop them releasing my information, but that if anything happens to my family, I will hold him personally responsible, and that any harm will be revisited on him and his tenfold.
  13. Oh, I'm not excusing her bullschiff since going to NPCNN - she's still a complete hypocrite. The assessment of her comment was simply inaccurate. And yes, even though she's a fake conservative, I'd still do her.
  14. Well, crap. Who is going to be weeding out conservative websites from google searches?
  15. Is this the "bombing" that they've been complaining about?
  16. I wouldn't agree with his assessment of her comment. She was pretty clearly talking about exposing (to "f*ck sh*t up") abuses of power by anyone.
  17. It's almost like liberals don't like their own tactic of litigating-things-they-don't-like-to-death used against them!
  18. Correct. Everything good that happened after January 20, 2017 is due to Obama's enlightened rule. Everything bad that happens is due to Trump's ineptness. It's not dissimilar to the actual literal fact that everything bad that happened between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017 was due to Bush's incompetence, while everything good that happened during that time frame was due to Obama's enlightened rule. Praise be Obama.
  19. To be fair, he wasn't posing with a representation of Trump's severed head. That is 'toned down' to the left.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/migrants-rest-hope-win-mass-transport-mexico-city-042852354.html Those poor souls now want free busing though Mexico. Can't reach the "boarder" by November 6th at this pace!
  21. Same with Bryan - he lost his guaranteed title match last night, before Samoa Joe attacked them both (setting up the Crown Jewel replacement match.) I was wondering if it was going to be a squash as punishment, but was a darned good match.
  22. I want to know what the beer supply was for the city. If 6,000 soldiers can empty them out in a couple days, I can't imagine it was a heavy drinking town. Put them in a real city next time.
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