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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. My personal favorite excuse for the shitburgers is "fan is short for 'fanatic', therefore I can be an immature irrational dipschiff if I want!"
  2. King Andrew decreed it so. I love the People's Democratic Republic of New Yorkistan!
  3. Wait, what's wrong with golf?
  4. That is awesome. Though I'm surprised that the CHP hasn't targeted that truck for "violations" yet.
  5. Just run as a Democrat. All will be forgiven, and your dead grandparents are sure to vote for you!
  6. I'm ok with this, so long as anyone who runs for political office is required to produce and make public 5 years of social media (unscrubbed), and the entirety of their search history, on all devices they have access to.
  7. The correct answer is a Democrat who is running in 2024.
  8. You're still bad at this, Gary.
  9. Everything is permitted when fighting actual literal Nazis.
  10. He's the lefty "funny man" who has a sob story, so you can't attack him when he says stupid and offensive things. They trotted him out to attack Kanye's mental health, and because Davidson is diagnosed as bi-polar, it's ok he made fun of Kanye's problems.
  11. He's just playing to the ignorance of black voters so he can oppress them... or something. Those unread, unwashed, token ***** white house slaves need to vote Democrat in November, so their white liberal masters can protect them from themselves.
  12. Yes. If they want to build a large fanbase in LV, they will need to compete immediately after arriving.
  13. Which one holds a fish better?
  14. Bringing him in now might be beneficial, or it might be a "too many cooks" situation. If his coaching is too different than what Anderson and/or Culley are telling Allen, you might do more harm than good in the middle of the season. The decision would, for me, boil down to what he is going to bring to Allen's development right now, and how his coaching would fit in with what Culley and Anderson are teaching him. Otherwise, wait until the offseason to have Trestman work with Allen.
  15. If only Trump hadn't made a comment about paying legal bills for anyone who takes care of disruptive liberal agitators at a campaign rally in 2016, Alec Baldwin wouldn't have assaulted a man for some reason in 2018. Damn that Orange bastard!
  16. Baldwin mocks the Orange Man. Baldwin good man. Baldwin get pass.
  17. As I said, an unintended consequence. Doesn't invalidate the fact that the Amendment is doing exactly what they wrote it to do.
  18. I would be surprised if this wasn't disposed of with a very quick motion to dismiss.
  19. Yeah, this has to be fake. There's no way that "hold" would have made him pass out so quickly, or at all (other than maybe from boredom). I somehow doubt he also would have fallen straight backwards, stiff as a board, like that. Cutting off the blood flow to the brain isn't quite that easy.
  20. Holy crap, you ain't lying. I find it interesting that all but one of the Plaintiff's attorneys aren't admitted to practice in that court (an application to practice pro hac vice [for this occasion/matter only] means that they're going to seek court permission to act as attorneys in a jurisdiction that they are not licensed to practice in.) Makes me wonder if they're admitted to practice before any federal court based on that nonsense. Apparently they never heard of the legal doctrine of 'ripeness'.
  21. Plain meaning is to be given to the words. The word in question, jurisdiction, has not changed meaning in 700 years. Legislative history is persuasive when there's ambiguity, but not dispositive. There is no ambiguity with the phrasing of the 14th Amendment. The Legislature is deemed to mean what they write/pass. This isn't even an arguable concept. It's been well-settled law for centuries. The plain language of the Amendment says you're wrong. Please point to the text of the Amendment where it says anything resembling that it applies only to former slaves, and for this one time only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But please, continue to tell me about how Constitutional Law and construction works. ?
  22. The biggest thing that's changed, in my opinion, is that the terror networks drew too much attention to themselves with 9/11. The world is now looking for these types of plots, and very few methods of communication exist that are not subject to some type of government intercept (even bin Laden had to use thumb drives to communicate, using personal delivery, to evade detection... for a time.) If they cannot communicate securely, they cannot do more than coordinate locally. Any type of intricate planning has a significant likelihood of being detected. The second biggest change is the assault on their ability to gather and use resources - specifically money. People cannot travel with large sums of cash, and they cannot wire large sums of money around without risking notice.
  23. Posner's a smart guy. Doesn't make him right.
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