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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Don't forget putting up signs. No one ignores signs prohibiting guns and drugs!
  2. If we're just going to eliminate Constitutional rights, why not remove the right for peaceful assembly? Can't have a mass shooting if people aren't allowed to congregate. Why not eliminate the outdated notion of free speech? Can't spread hate if your speech is regulated. While we're at it, why do people need to be protected from unreasonable searches? Can't shoot anyone if the cops have the right to ransack homes to take contraband guns.
  3. How dare you ask for the qualifications of a wise Latina woman!
  4. How can they impeach him? I thought the dipschiff lefty narrative was currently that he cannot be the Acting AG, because he wasn't confirmed by the Senate... to be the Acting AG.
  5. Yeah, so smart she can't figure out how to pay her rent. She's a perfect Democrat.
  6. I love how the idiots on the left are suddenly patriotic security experts.
  7. How intelligent do you have to be to articulate a position that we all should get everything for free?
  8. ***** Cheney and his Weather Dominator. Cobra Commander should have taken that toy away from him years ago.
  9. You just say that because you want to keep minorities from moving around freely. You racist pig dog misogynistic actual literal super mecha Nazi.
  10. "Logistics", such as the SOE needing more time to mix ballots and destroy evidence.
  11. I'm have absolutely no doubt that he'd be more than welcome to come back next season. However, I'd put my money on him retiring after this season.
  12. It doesn't matter. The damage is already done. How are they going to separate the invented ballots from the real ballots, even if law enforcement storms the election bureau and seizes everything tomorrow morning? They've had 4 days now to destroy evidence and pad the stacks of Democrat votes.
  13. I want to know more about that time he sexually assaulted little Sally Smith on the playground when he forced himself upon her by pulling her pig tail as they ran around the playground.
  14. Let Trump threaten to withdraw all US troops from Europe, excluding Poland and the Baltics. Germany will crap their pants losing all the income they derive from the US bases.
  15. Almost as shocking as the libs losing interest in that Hogg kid and the Ford B word, when they became no longer useful.
  16. My question is why she is not going to draw a paycheck for 3 months...
  17. Yikes. The one with the freakishly long neck is maybe. Pass on the rest.
  18. I still think the best line from Trump's press conference was "In Jeff Flake’s case, it’s me. Pure and simple. I retired him. I’m very proud of it. I did the country a great service."
  19. I'll give her a ride. Maybe even to work!
  20. Eh, let'em go to watch Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater. They don't need protection there. What could possibly go wrong?
  21. Alright, I gotta give you props. This is marginally more interesting.
  22. Gang rape. Did you see the train of reporters waiting their turn at the poor intern?
  23. Cite one instance where an 'acting' principle officer has ever needed Senate confirmation to be an acting principle officer.
  24. Well, it is straight out of the NPC playbook. They cannot come up with an original insult, so they just regurgitate what those on the right say. The left literally has nothing more in their arsenal than "double dumbass pork chop on you."
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