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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yes, she was confirmed to be the Deputy Attorney General. She was never confirmed to be the ACTING Attorney General - the very same complaint that you dumbshits make about Whittaker.
  2. Probably a better pickup line than, 'hey baby, wanna ride the Hogg?'
  3. Yates was never approved by the Senate either. Show me where she was ever confirmed to be the Acting Attorney General. Go ahead, I'll wait. There's these things, called statutes. They're actually laws passed by Congress and signed by the president. That's kinda how things work. Even a dipschiff like you can maybe figure it out, assuming you're told that it's ok to learn something new.
  4. Now, now, your position (as given to you in the DNC talking points memo) is that Whitaker was not approved by the Senate to be the Attorney General. Changing your tune now is pretty laughable. Of course, let's just ignore the statute passed by Congress, signed by President Clinton, that authorized the appointment.
  5. She was never approved by the Senate to be the Attorney General.
  6. Give him one last chance to go to prison for being an unrepentant dumbass? Nah.
  7. Yes, there has. Many, many times. Sally Yates, for one. Also, it's no longer World Kindness Day. Enjoy your afternoon!
  8. They contain big words, are you sure he's capable?
  9. I wonder if that moron has yet to figure out that the left is done with him.
  10. Washington was the ***** man. Could not tell a lie, was an expert archer, carried a katana, and punched a tiger. Though I notice they whitewashed his repeated inability to protect his flanks...
  11. Now hold on. He'll just have to wait for the next patch before he receives sufficient programming to simulate rational thinking. Don't hate the NPC because of his masters' laziness.
  12. I was thinking flamethrower practice, personally. They'll get the message real quick.
  13. She seems slightly vindictive and grudge-holding. Yes. Yes, I would.
  14. The real problem is that idiots like Crazy-Eyes thinks that the government is entitled to the fruits of your labor, to redistribute how she sees fit. To those morons, it's "welfare" and a "giveaway" when the government doesn't tax the crap out of a business.
  15. She's been destroying everyone on twitter the past month. It's been glorious. My favorite was her reaction to Rousey following her.
  16. She's not just a mega star already, but she's the ***** MAN!
  17. From what I've read, Jax can be pretty reckless in the ring. Not sure if that was an attempt at a 'receipt' to Becky for a prior stiff shot or whatever, but it screwed up a PPV. They also had to accelerate a Charlotte Flair v. Ronda Rousey fight, which was speculated to be a match they were saving for a WrestleMania. Vince can't be happy about that.
  18. Wonder if Nia Jax is going to catch a lot of grief for ruining the most prominent Survivor Series match. She ***** up the card but good.
  19. The only reason that Illinois gerrymandering is allowed by the Courts is that they worded the law so vaguely that no one can actually tell if it's being violated.
  20. Well, by that point it will be completely unfair to infringe on the right of the President to appoint acting officers to fill vacancies!
  21. No cost is too great to charge to others when you're fighting actual literal super mecha-Hitler.
  22. They have to do something. CNN is losing a ratings war with Nickelodeon reruns. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a lighter note, was listening to Dan Abrams on the radio on the way home today. He was talking about the Acosta lawsuit. One of his callers actually stated that Acosta having his press credentials revoked was like 1936 Germany. Liberal logic: Idiot 'journalist' having his White House pass taken leads to extermination camps across the nation! It's not quite Lithium-in-the-drinking-water stupid, but it damn sure was the most idiotic thing I heard today.
  23. Is that asshat is trying to claim he has a property right in his 'hard pass'?
  24. Fair enough. Nevermind, I got this:
  25. Eh, I wanted gator to actually answer. Killjoy! However to answer your rhetorical question: So the Democrats can keep the farce going in their nonsensical bid to delegitimize the sitting administration. Whitaker is going to very quickly end the 'investigation', either by forcing Muller to submit his final report immediately, outright firing Mueller, or simply cutting off his funding. Whitaker can take the political heat for either of these options, since he's not likely going to be the choice to be Sessions' successor. This terrifies the Democrats, who are planning on spending the next two years making themselves look stupid with frivolity like the Russia collusion nonsense. Just look at the histrionics by Schumer. He wants to "protect" Mueller by inserting legislation into the next 'must pass' spending bill. Apparently he didn't learn from the last shutdown that he isn't going to win that game against Trump.
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