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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Hope that crooked piece of trash enjoys prison.
  2. I like how she still proclaims herself to be a "conservative", even though she hops on every liberal bandwagon that passes through.
  3. It's a Jennifer Rubin piece of diarrhea; of course it's not serious.
  4. In related news, Isabel Dos Santos schedules an upcoming suicide to coincide with a botched burglary, where nothing is planned to be taken. Bill and Hillary Clinton are said to be preparing statements expressing their deepest sympathies.
  5. He believes that punters are people.
  6. Oh no, an anonymous super secret double-probation storm trooper!
  7. It's either Rice or Duckworth. I think they may go with Duckworth, as she has an extra victim card to play after losing her legs.
  8. So, you only pretend to comprehend the English language around non-Trump supporters?
  9. Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it?
  10. Some Democrat former Senator said he feared that Trump wouldn't leave the White House in January, if he were to lose in November. It's an obvious political smear that only complete morons like @Kemp would take seriously.
  11. A whole host of deadly diseases mysteriously vanished, when everyone was dying of the Flu Manchu.
  12. Clearly China will have interfered to help Trump. They're afraid of Biden, who has been taking bribes from them for decades, preferring the guy who has been riding their commie asses for the past 5ish years.
  13. Windmills kill birds, you insensitive anti-avian bigot.
  14. If Trump were a good leader, he would have hidden in his bunker as he led from behind. That's why we need a guy like Biden to come in and rule us through the benefit of hindsight. Oh, sure, he might wait 3-5 months before making a decision, but Biden will damn sure make the right decision well after-the-fact!
  15. Look at that horrible older gentleman in the wheelchair. He's looking all happy and joyful, without a mask, when there's a pandemic on with upwards of 0.4% of the people it infects dying of various causes! How dare he!!!!! Think of the children!
  16. They're right. Forcing the post office to actually put postmarks on mail is terrible! How can they magically "find" the ballots they need to swing elections, if they're forced to actually mail them in?!? Yeah, that .4% mortality rate certainly requires us to not only destroy our economy, but to also toss aside our Republic.
  17. Damn, makes me want to take a white supremacy nap, so that I can oppress them in their sleep.
  18. Gee, can't imagine why they can't be trusted to handle the Flu Manchu raw data...
  19. Well, the idiots on the left didn't like it when the Biden rule was used in 2016, so McConnell should placate them by not invoking it again, should the unfortunate happen.
  20. He invoked the Biden rule in 2016, and the liberals screamed bloody murder. I'm sure they're going to be totally fine if he listens to them and goes forward with a nomination in 2020.
  21. Hillary, clearly. Biden too - his retroactive policy statements have been 100% accurate, while only using several months of hindsight.
  22. I'd have to respectfully disagree with Dr. Sowell on this one. I suspect they know the difference between the two, but simply don't care - because they're being paid to create propaganda.
  23. Well, so long as they're not conflating a period of unseasonably warm weather, with climate change. You know, because an unusually warm season has totally never happened before in the ~150 years of reasonably reliable weather data available totality of human existence.
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