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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'm sure the bastion of truth and honesty, Adam "Full Of" Schiff, will be along soon to tell us that, while he cannot comment on the contents of the CIA report he claims to have been briefed on, Pompeo is clearly lying.
  2. So, are we still pretending to be outraged over a Saudi "journalist" who was killed in a Saudi consulate by other Saudis, and that it is somehow Trump's fault for not immediately cutting all diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia? When are we scheduled to move on to the next irrelevant thing we're supposed to be outraged about?
  3. What, no chainsaw bayonet?
  4. Oh, apparently Sara Carter's website is "unsafe" according to Twitter. Yeah, they're not suppressing anything...
  5. I'm not sure who was more obnoxious, the dipschiff who run up and attacked the crowd (then shrieked), or the ***** at the end narrating/boasting about how he used non-lethal force against an unarmed man, due to his training in the Georgia Police Academy. Thankfully, Tackleberry was not one of his instructors.
  6. He darn sure wasn't approved by the Senate.
  7. Newsweek reporter, you say? Here's her official media primer on firearms:
  8. Yes. Also, can I use the co-ed showers with Dina Meyer?
  9. Either way, she will have to wait until she's inaugurated. Only then can she start signing bills into law!
  10. What really amuses me is that the Democrat dumbschiff seems to have forgotten the identity of the man who has his finger on the red button:
  11. Kemp, when you were a child, were you dropped on your head before or after you ate lead paint chips?
  12. The 'Double Death' gun... https://www.earnthenecklace.com/fact-check-dd-214-gun/?fbclid=IwAR2Nc5Cp9sSQyhcj_Xrmm5CUDf1JXbvznfzi-9GSSTRcXuoWoYl_NWyyVzQ
  13. Sounds like a B word who thought she was entitled to the job, but only lost it because the man kept her down because she was a strong black woman. Sounds like Hillary: 'It wasn't me who lost the election by being a crap candidate who went on a victory tour instead of running a campaign, it must have been collusion!' Georgia dodged a bullet.
  14. There's always an easy solution:
  15. The idiots in that twitter thread pretending to be outraged are hysterical. That dipschiff Calmes also doesn't seem to know the difference between the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  16. There shall only be civility in society when @mead107 is rightfully given his due. In the 1930's, Nazi Germany started pulling the press passes of Jews. This Acoster thing is simply Trump showing that he is, indeed, actual literal super mecha-Hitler. We're one small step away from concentration camps.
  17. Well, duh, if they stay in their own country, they won't be immigrants. If they're not immigrants, they don't produce wealth! Therefore they must jump the border fence into the US in order for them to be productive!
  18. Oh, please tell us all about your understanding of 'Constitutional norms'.
  19. A chain of command is not the same thing as a line of succession. Being confirmed by the Senate for a different position means absolutely nothing, not matter how much you dipschiffs want to cross your fingers, close your eyes, and wish upon that little star.
  20. Oh, and give the press 5 minutes notice as to when the briefing is going to take place. If you're not there on time, oh well.
  21. If the judge orders the White House to reinstate him, the answer is simple: There will now only be 1 press briefing per week going forward, and it will last no more than 15 minutes with no questions taken. Judge can't order the White House to hold them.
  22. How is the increase in wages and the first time ever that there were more jobs than seekers "bad" for the working class?
  23. Not bad. It's entertaining watching him fail at mental gymnastics trying to justify the DNC's stupid position.
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