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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. C'mon man, they have Lieawatha, who was caught lying about her cultural heritage, and lying about using that fake heritage to advance her academic and political career. Kamala Harris, who got caught faking a video about Kavanaugh lying, and Sparticus, who got caught pretending to be a rebel who ignored the rules. Let's not forget about Creepy Uncle Joe, as well! Their bench is stocked!
  2. I'd suggest running an actual campaign, instead of a victory lap, this time. Might want to do it with someone who has an actual personality, while they're at it.
  3. Gary is looking for attention today, nothing more.
  4. He doesn't need to be in the club. He just needs to be a corpse, if they're going for distractions. Plenty of ways for them to expire him, from the ever-popular double-tap suicide while being mugged, to a completely unforeseen drug/.38-induced heart attack.
  5. They still have Jimmy to expire first...
  6. The US Supreme Court is literally killing women and children and gnatcatchers!!!!1111oneoneone
  7. "Accounting errors"/gimmicks are not the same thing as actual money. Good God, she is a ***** moron. 18 years ago I worked for a company that demanded that all corporate divisions show a profit. The corporate transportation department (whose sole duty was to occasionally buy new vehicles) did that by forcing each individual branch to "lease" 10-15 year old trucks (on paper). The branches showed a loss, the transportation department showed a profit, and the company made the same amount of actual money (probably a little less to pay for the internal accounting game).
  8. Ha! Even if the court cuts that in half as unreasonable, she still loses all of her hush money plus. Not like Avenatti is going to pay it, even if she wins a malpractice award from him for filing a suit in her name without permission.
  9. Boyst's attempt (complete with legwarmers):
  10. Don't you have 15 kids to feed?
  11. Yeah, he's a leading forensic moron. His 'opinion' has nothing to do with an actual assessment of Kavanaugh's mental status (which by the way, is completely unrealistic based on watching a hearing where he's being accused of rape), and everything to do with the 'R' next to Kavanaugh's name.
  12. Makes me wonder if she was going to rescind her resignation anyhow, after Scott was sworn into the Senate. Though having black pastors and her black sorority present for 'support' was an interesting way to play the race card without explicitly calling everyone racists.
  13. What day would you prefer we schedule your execution?
  14. Not only is there no moon, NASA actually faked the moon landing footage from their television studio on Mars.
  15. Don't forget that the only way to stop climate change is to radically redistribute the world's financial resources. If we had only learned that lesson over the past 10,000 years (or so) of human civilization.
  16. So the lesson to be learned is that if you want to keep your Democrat leadership spot, beat your own women, don't sexually harass others.
  17. C'mon now, you darn well know that the Russians putting terrible ads on Facebook caused at least 50 electors to swing for Trump. Hillary was screwed by the Russians!!111
  18. Was it a matter of dictating his outside behavior, or getting rid of him to protect their corporate 'brand' of being drooling incoherent SJW NPC morons?
  19. Yeah, it was great until a certain douchebag went out of his way to derail every discussion, then whined to his moderator friend when he was called out for being a douchebag.
  20. Whittaker is illegally notified as an illegitimate non-confirmed acting attorney general! IMPEACH!
  21. I'd ***** her daily.
  22. Mine itched for about a week. That was about 12 years ago when I grew mine out. Never had any problems since (other than the ***** thing turning gray.)
  23. By waiting for the heat death of the universe? Snapping your fingers while wearing the infinity gauntlet works too, I suppose.
  24. Just as Boyst predicted:
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