Uh oh, guys. We shouldn't mock or "troll" Rep. Crazy-Eyes anymore, she gonna have subpoena power:
She really is clueless about how little actual power she's going to wield. I'm not sure what would be funnier: Pelosi sticking her on a semi-important committee so the moron can make a complete ass of herself, or Pelosi sticking her on an irrelevant committee, where the idiot will whine about not doing anything important.
HOW DARE KELLY TAKE A DAY OFF! That ungrateful lazy good-for-nothing so-and-so needs to be fired, rehired, allowed to resign, rehired again, fired a second time, and hung from the nearest hanging tree.
If he were a only a science fiction writer, he could just create his own tax dodge religion, and gather enough powerful suckers believers to move things forward for him.
You mean the "trade war" that has already resulted in securing better trade agreements with the EU, Canada and Mexico, and is on its way to securing a more fair trade arrangement between the US and China? That trade war?
This is weak, even for you.
More racism and election fixing from the GA GOP. Even though there's no evidence of voter fraud in a state where there are far more Republicans than Democrats, the only way that the GOP could possibly have won over the party of virtue and purity is by racism, voter suppression, and fixing the election. Or something.
Does CBS have the stones to offer him the choice between letting him keep what dignity and reputation he has left by walking away from the severance, or destroying him if he wants to fight for the $120,000,000 golden parachute?
How DARE he sit down in that row! He was not vetted by the Senate to sit in that seat! This is unconstitutional!!!!111
Whitaker must be immediately impeached (even though he was never confirmed)!
That's easy: Jon Snow and Rick Grimes got together to make meth so that the survivors of the zombie apocalypse can get high before winter comes and the walkers eat the iron throne, all while trying not to get killed by the Westerlands drug cartel.
Ah yes, former* DOJ employees wanting the President to ignore the law because #OrangeManBad.
*Any guesses whose administration these former employees served in?
It was never a matter of whether China was going to back down, it's always been a matter of how they would cave without looking weak.
Of course, whether they'll actually impose these punishments is another matter.