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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Are you thinking of the idiot from some East Aurora website?
  2. That's why I edited my post for clarity: I was referring to the lawyer thing. Edited reports and whether or not he actually lied are a separate matter (which is more properly addressed by way of motion to the trial court to take back the plea.)
  3. Unlikely. What McCabe did in telling Flynn he didn't need a lawyer was scummy, but not illegal. Remember: The feds can lie to you all day, but it's a crime for you to lie to them.
  4. It's not the brilliance he needs, but the brilliance he deserves?
  5. I see the problem. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how our electoral system works. Our system of single-member district plurality (which is a fancy way of saying the one person with the most votes wins the job) does not lend itself to more than two viable parties. Sure, you'll get the occasional third party candidate that wins a local or state election, but that's not the norm. The only way to have viable 3rd/4th/5th/6th parties in Congress is to change the laws in all 50 states to a proportional representation system, like England/Germany/Israel/etc. have. It's simply not feasible (or realistic) to have numerous parties vying for one job in one district.
  6. Yes and no. He can veto any continuing resolutions/budgets. The 'shutdown' is automatic when the government hits the artificially-created debt ceiling and cannot legally borrow any more money by selling treasury bonds. I wonder if he will close unmanned free national parks/monuments by paying parks workers to erect physical barriers like Obama did.
  7. Praise be Obama!
  8. In order to have a multi-party system, every state would have to fundamentally re-write their electoral process. We have a system of single member district plurality (with some requiring a majority following a run-off). You can't just get 50 states to completely change how elections are done, disregarding 230ish years of history. Amending the Constitution to force the issue isn't going to work either.
  9. I'm guessing it's either going to be the Separated Families, with the picture of the lady dragging her kids away from the tear gas (or the 2014 pic of kids in cages), or the March for Our Lives dipschiffs with the Big Hogg raising his fist. My money is on the former, since that is more recent.
  10. At least he didn't accuse Trump of criminal symbiosis.
  11. If you like your blockade, you can keep your blockade.
  12. You didn't blockade that, someone else did.
  13. It is France. They protest 14 hours per week, and take 8 weeks off in the Summer.
  14. Hell, there were people on the BBMB who wanted to give Cowher, Gruden, and/or Shanahan outrageous salaries and an ownership stake in the Bills to get them to come to Buffalo.
  15. The Brits control Gibraltar, the English Channel and the North Sea. A US carrier group can't change that, even if Trump could be persuaded to intervene (and why would he?). While they wouldn't stand up to the full might of the US Navy, the Royal Navy is far from being a joke. No one in Europe can challenge them on the seas. You're correct in that the British likely couldn't do much to shut down the Suez canal, and they wouldn't need to try. The suggestion of closing (or seriously delaying for administrative reasons) traffic through Gibraltar and the Channel/North Sea is enough to get the point across to the EU chickenshits that the Limeys should be taken seriously and treated fairly.
  16. I wonder how fast the EU would buckle if the Brits floated the fact that they can completely shut down both the Med and shipping to Central/North Europe..
  17. Beto would be well served to have a good showing running for VP, especially since Democrats don't currently have anyone who is going to beat Trump. Get him the national exposure and buff up his credentials for an actual run in 2024 when the field is wide open.
  18. Interesting that the people are on their own now. You'd think they were all along, considering that the caravan was a spontaneous thing that was not coordinated or funded by anyone.
  19. Proof that Trump's a racist! By putting blacks (and other minorities) to work, he can control them by threats to the economy and their employment! #IMPEACH #RESIST
  20. How do you think the Democrats are going to get enough of a supermajority that they can repeal Constitutional Amendments? Not going to happen.
  21. Only according to the stories his family told him as a child. I think we need a DNA test to see if he's more than 1/1024-wit.
  22. True, but there are better ways to completely cave while saving face and spinning it to your political advantage.
  23. That's a mistake. This will go worse for him than Jimmy Carter's 'malaise' speech.
  24. You do know that Vietnam was a French colony... Clearly he's half Viet Kong, half French, half Black, and half redneck.
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