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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. 1.) Yes I would. 2.) That video seems staged to me. 3.) Her friends are a definite yes as well.
  2. Please. Next you'll be telling us that Trump selling condos to Russians back in the 1980's and 1990's isn't clear and conclusive proof of Russian collusion. Do you really think that businessmen are in the business of making money or something?
  3. You mean the obviously-missing stud wasn't enough of a clue?
  4. Neither did Pol Pot, Stalin, or Mao (who already had his wall). None of them ever chanted "Lock Her Up!" at a rally either. Thus proving that Trump is literally actually worse than super mecha-Hitler. He's some sort of actual literal super-ultra-mecha-Hitler on steroids.
  5. I have a feeling that her 'self care' break is going to last for the next 24 months. Especially when she figures out that no one in Congress gives a flying ***** what a freshman representative says or wants.
  6. Watched this on Netflix a few years back. It's pretty damn funny, especially at the end when he points to the camera to scare the audience.
  7. In fairness, minor ***** like possessing small amount pot is considered a 'dangerous drug offense'. The definitions of crime categories used in immigration matters are wacky. Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT) - which makes someone deportable (regardless of their legal status) can be anything from driving on a suspended driver's license to shoplifting a 50 cent candy bar to murder. That's not even getting into offenses that may not make someone deportable, but might bar re-entry into the US if they ever leave.
  8. Well, since the DNC got busted fixing the primary process, it now falls to them using state parties to do the same thing. The minor/Bernie candidates cannot raise enough cash quickly enough to mount an effective campaign in California that early - and the Democrats know it.
  9. Interesting how the anti-Flynn lefties are screaming and shoving signs in Flynn's face, while the pro Flynn crowd is being respectful and not trying to cause a scene.
  10. Did you get the hot tub installed yet?
  11. The young lady this guy ran over sacrificed the integrity of her bones for progress and enlightenment!
  12. Just don't order Flowers By Irene. They're slow to deliver, then (when they finally do show up) they just sit there on the side of the road for days.
  13. Don't forget the stuff about the FBI Police.
  14. There are easier ways to finally come out as homosexual.
  15. Tibs touches himself at night.
  16. Sorry, @Buffalo_Gal, looks like Fitton has his shirt on. However, all is not lost! For your alternate viewing pleasure:
  17. I'm not sure if that's brilliant, or evil.
  18. Considering that Trump won a majority of the only vote that matters...
  19. Of course not, that's Romney's gimmick.
  20. I like the part where they accuse him of being unethical.
  21. They're too busy teargassing poor innocent children for absolutely no reason to disagree! The media said so!
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