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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I feel bad for Hillary's fall guy. We all know that his story will never be heard, because he was so upset at embarrassing the Clintons that he felt it necessary to shoot himself in the back of the head twice - during a botched mugging where nothing was taken.
  2. See, that's what you get when you don't hire union contractors to build apartment buildings! Those two kids would still be alive today if the building had just been properly constructed...
  3. Has Shanahan been previously confirmed to be the night janitor?!? The Senate must be heard!
  4. Guess they should have defended their land better.
  5. Did he ask?
  6. I've been told that I'm still supposed to be outraged by this Saudi being killed by other Saudis in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. ORANGE MAN BAD!
  7. I hope he spends millions of taxpayer dollars to close off and provide 24/7 security to make sure people don't go to unmanned free national parks and monuments.
  8. Yeah, our disastrous foreign policy. I can't believe we let Trump invade or attack 7 countries like Obama! I'm amazed that we have survived Trump starting WW3, WW4, and WW5! I mean, isn't that what you dipschiff liberals were crying 2 years ago? That Trump was a warmonger who surrounded himself by generals? That he was going to get us into wars? Of course, you were also the dipschiffs who cried about sending troops to foreign countries. Now you're crying that he's bringing them home because Orange Man Bad. TDS is an endless source of hilarity.
  9. You should be more triggered by the poor quality of his imitation of your schtick. A performance that bad is just insulting.
  10. Ugh, the only thing worse than a liberal dumbass - a liberal dumbass who is trying to be a bad imitation of @Boyst62.
  11. Try posting something reasonably intelligent, for a change.
  12. I can't wait for this guy to tell us all how he's really a moderate free-thinking independent!
  13. The Constitution. The Constitution decrees that federal judges are judges for as long as they behave themselves, whether it's 5 minutes or 500 years (hell, Judge Curtin - the guy who admitted me into federal court - was a LBJ appointee). Hamilton lays out the reasoning pretty well in Federalist 78. Similarly, Congress cannot regulate qualifications for being in Congress for the same reason they had no power to take it upon themselves to limit the presidency to two terms. The only way to have Congressional term limits and/or Judicial age limits is to amend the Constitution.
  14. A list made for myopic dipschiffs. Seems right that you posted it. Damn, I know Trump is the first president ever to have turnover in his cabinet and all, but let's just take a step back from the ledge.
  15. The problem with that, and the point of lifetime tenure in the Constitution, was to prevent arbitrary laws to eliminate legislatures from modifying the laws to get rid of judges that aren't agreeing with them. Say Congress makes retirement age 80 for the Supreme Court. Well, they don't like the next crop of judges, so maybe they change it to 60 to get rid of troublesome judges.
  16. Well, it's not like that to anyone with an IQ over 70. Then there's the left...
  17. RBG will never retire. She's already stated that they'll have to cart her dead body out of the Supreme Court. If working until she dies on the bench how she wants to spend her last years, that's her right.
  18. Depends on who is available and at what cost. Kyle is likely going to need to be replaced, and quality depth at all defensive positions (especially in the secondary) is always a good thing. However, they should not buff up the defense to the exclusion of the offense. Allen still needs weapons, and the offensive line is in serious need upgrades and depth.
  19. Let me just beat this level, then I'll join the debate...
  20. Ah, so that's why they call you 'Stumpy'?
  21. Forward!
  22. This country has a real opioid problem, but this “tax” like nothing more than an attempting mugging by Albany. C'mon man, at least 50 cents of that $600,000,000 projected tax revenue would have gone towards combating addiction!
  23. It's almost as if they're intentionally manufacturing lawsuits to bankrupt the baker and his business.
  24. That's what people are going to not understand. The company isn't taking a long-term loss with this settlement.
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