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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Oh ***** those pretentious self-important asswipes. 'Someone might gawk at my pool'! Yeah, B word, people go hiking 20+ miles to look at your schiffy-ass back yard. Eh, a few bullets and arrows just makes that stretch of the trail more fun to traverse. Dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge!
  2. I'm sure their infamous (and generally wrong) 'unnamed sources citing unnamed methods' compiled the list. However, more to the other point: How is this country in 'chaos'? How has your life become worse since January 20, 2017 before noon? How has the nation become worse since that day and time? Here's a hint: it hasn't. The only chaos is from the children that the Democrats keep electing. Histrionics, stupidity, and "Orange Man Bad" is all they got, and it's all their media friends push. While entertaining, trying to claim that the country is in some sort of "chaos" is laughable. Easy man, he may bust out the worst insult a Canuckian can muster: calling you a... I hate to even type it... a hoser!
  3. Yeah, except neither of those statements reflect reality.
  4. What the ***** do you have against Mongols, you racist bastard? You wipe out one or two (hundred) settlements, forcing the rest to bend to your will under pain of extermination, and you're suddenly labeled butchers and conquerors. That's not very woke. Labels are wrong.
  5. Pretty sure that I've just laid claim to Norm. You're more of a Diane or early Rebecca anyhow.
  6. Washed up, bald, and only good for giving me free drinks as I run up my $60,000+ tab?
  7. Well, someone wanted attention. You know, with all the actual literal super mecha-Nazis about.
  8. So... he crashes collegiate message boards?
  9. Wait, I thought he gave them cancer... while atop his horse. Or something.
  10. Free trade is like pure communism: It will never work because everyone cheats.
  11. Maybe when they're directly quoted, not a quote attributed to them by anonymous sources citing unnamed methods.
  12. Free trade? Not so much. His policy is one of fair trade, which is not the same thing.
  13. Again, you are comparing apples to oranges and calling the kumquats. You can't quote a study that claims 80% of the country as a whole are financial idiots and conflate that to 80% of federal workers. Are there going to be some sob stories about how Orange Man Bad? Sure. They're called morons. Is 80% (of the ~25%) of the affected federal workforce going to be financially ruined by having to wait a few weeks to get their retro money? I doubt it. This isn't exactly the first time the government has shut down. If they don't plan, they're stupid. If they claim they can't afford it, I'd really like to see their finances (and then call them idiots.)
  14. That wasn't my argument. My argument is that if they can't prepare for a few week shutdown with ~10 months notice, they're ***** idiots.
  15. So you're claiming they only had one week to plan for the shutdown? That's about as dumb as your comparison of federal workers to the 70-80% of all US workers. It wasn't exactly a secret ~10 months ago that the government would shut down in December. If they can't can't plan for a light paycheck (or at worst, one light paycheck and one skipped paycheck - which will be paid retroactively), then they're ***** idiots.
  16. I'd like CNN to continue to pursue this story, and insist on the House to investigate. Let them alienate even more service members and their families.
  17. If only those poor federal workers had known that there was a possibility of this shutdown happening for the past 8-10 months and were able to plan accordingly...
  18. I have confidence that he has the ability to reach the next level: The dreaded "double dumbass pork chop on you"!
  19. No. I don't think you understand what 'irony' means. No.
  20. Of course not - it's still a Canadian.
  21. You know you always love it when it putts it right into the hole.
  22. Father Time was also fined $50,000,000 by the league, which will be donated to the new preferred charity, TB12 Sports.
  23. Why do you think Rudolph's nose is red? That's a GPS receiver. ***** commies are trying to ruin Christmas!
  24. The first thing Russia or China would go after in a shooting war against the US is GPS and communication satellites. Both nations have proven they have the capability to hit satellites in motion. We need to have some sort of defenses in place. On a slightly related note: I hope the military is still teaching people how to read maps and navigate without GPS.
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