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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Did you see that bill she just rammed through Congress before signing it into law? If I didn't know any better, I'd swear it was a grocery list.
  2. Orange Man Bad. Which is good, because #OrangeManBad.
  3. Of course not. You're part of the Jewish conspiracy. You and your Jew bee dance partners and your defense stocks. Firing those hypersonic cruise missiles at that poor Pentagon 'no parking' sign is just wrong, man. Just. Wrong.
  4. High-capacity magazine with a pistol grip?!? Hell, you could probably tape a knife to the end to create a bayonet! Pure evil. Only monsters and contractors would ever use such a vile thing. That nail gun is so horrible that it actually offends my delicate sensibilities.
  5. That has a pistol grip. In NY, that meets the definition of an assault weapon.
  6. Allen appears to have the obsession to be the best that the great players all share. Guys like Rice, Brady, etc. all share the single-minded obsession to outwork everyone and be the best. So long as Allen keeps that obsession to work towards improving, he'll be just fine. I'm glad they're going to have Anderson around for another season to work with him and to help teach him good study habits.
  7. Eh, it's still entertaining to watch them chase their tails when asked to justify their foolishness. Look at Tibs' above nonsense about her being "a thousand times more competent" than Trump, because of reasons. We just have to vote for her to find out what she stands for.
  8. Yet you continue to refuse to answer a simple question about her legislative accomplishments or foreign policy credentials. Should be easy to list a significant bill she's written, one would think. Would have been easier than to redirect the conversation to Trump, who I had not even mentioned. TDS combined with a lack of reading comprehension is a hell of a thing.
  9. Yeah... nice to see that your level of reading comprehension is still negligible.
  10. I implied no such thing. It's interesting that your mind (such as it is) went there, though. Feelings of inadequacy when discussing whether or not she's capable of doing the job? Just have some Pow Wow Chow to feel better. Real 1/1024th Native American family recipes stolen directly from French cookbooks! How DARE Trump make disparaging comments about the mentally ill! #RESIST #IMPEACH
  11. She's under my skin, because I asked for her accomplishments? Riiiiight...
  12. Oh I know. I was just pointing out one of the many flaws that had not yet been highlighted.
  13. I like how he thinks payroll taxes, which amount to roughly 6% of the GDP, will pay for healthcare, which costs 17.2% of GDP. It's brilliant really. If you jack up payroll taxes by 400%, you'll be able to pay for healthcare, including all of the associated government waste and overspend! Granted, no one will actually be working after putting all but the largest companies out of business, but who the ***** cares? It's FREE!
  14. Sure, but you can only refuse service while screeching in a high pitch.
  15. Well, you've got to get the miniature giant space hamster up there somehow.
  16. So the magical government fairy will wave its wand and suddenly make health care efficient and cost-effective? Can I have some of whatever mind-altering drugs you're taking?
  17. Please list her major legislative accomplishments. While you're at it, detail her foreign policy credentials. As a bonus: describe how her platform of 'free ***** for everyone' is going to be paid for without taxing our economy into oblivion (without forcing everyone to buy Pow Wow Chow books to cover the costs.)
  18. All that stuff equals Armageddon! Didn't you know? Also, @Boyst62 prefers if you call him Surely when smacking his ass.
  19. Worlds are neither being eaten or deleted. This is a travesty.
  20. The ***** had TWO SCOOPS of ice cream, while he only allowed others to have one scoop. Just think of the impact on our dairy farmers! One scoop?!? He might as well send the brownshirt jackboots to family dairy farms! #IMPEACH #RESIST
  21. Well, at least 1/1024th in.
  22. Almost as importantly: He was gone?
  23. This is utter nonsense. There's a CONSENSUS, man. The consensus says that we must radically distribute our wealth; that's the only true way to combat global warming climate change. This emission/pollution reduction crap isn't going to work. Only by giving money to other nations can we truly see the global temperature drop in 500 years.
  24. Since when has attacking Islam ever been known as a 'Crusade'?
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