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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It's rather unfortunate that the Democrats would rather let law-abiding US citizens starve to protect criminals.
  2. Please, Gary the Rapist would do anything more than:
  3. It only took liberals 3 years to come up with that GOT-inspired "sick burn" that "shredded" Trump and "broke the internet". Took Mr. Ross about 8 seconds to point out how stupid they are.
  4. It's a shame Krugman lost his mind about 18 years ago. He's now just an unabashed liberal schill pretending that he's still an economist.
  5. How DARE those heathens some to a conclusion on something that does not support the consensus! They are clearly lying deniers who must have their funding pulled and their papers unreviewed and unpublished.
  6. Only if sock hops and drug-store soda fountains are brought back into style.
  7. Krugman's right. 70% tax rate is fine, because absolutely nothing in the world economy has changed since 1945. This will all be fine. Nothing bad would come of it. I mean hell, at one point in the 50's, the tax rate for the top earners was 98%! It worked back then, there's absolutely no reason to think it wouldn't work now. Because the world economy is exactly the same!
  8. Baskin gonna Baskin.
  9. Especially if Trump nominates a woman. Slut-shaming galore from the party of tolerance and #metoo.
  10. ...and so it begins: https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/coast-guard-member-apos-wife-121546375.html Reasonably attractive young white "military" wife/mother who was considering returning her son's gifts to cover the bills. They really do think we're stupid. Of course, the liars forget to mention that this family hasn't missed a paycheck yet.
  11. If the hot water consistently works in the vistor's locker room, the Bills are doing it wrong. They're the visiting team. ***** them. If some player doesn't want to come play in Buffalo because of the visitor's locker room, who cares? Most anyone with a modicum of intelligence (or business sense) would actually want to see the accommodations provided to the Bills own players before making any decisions.
  12. The problem isn't the $17 million per year salary - the Bills can easily afford that (without having to get into salary cap accounting gimmicks.) The problem is the one or more first round picks that Elway will demand to trade him. Denver isn't letting him go cheap - they know what they have in him.
  13. Of course you mean this in a vague rhetorical sense, not in a Secret-Service-Knocking-At-Your-Door sense, right?
  14. Because Orange Man Bad!
  15. Let's assume that this was actually true and not at all you cherry picking and showing that you lack a basic grasp of the English language. The accusation has been made that all Mexican immigrants are rapists. Under the laws of PoundMeToo, those Mexican immigrants must conclusively prove themselves innocent or be deemed guilty. Since they have yet to do so, they must be, in fact, rapists. #IBelieveHim. So, under Liberal logic, Trump is absolutely correct. They are rapists, since they have yet to prove otherwise. Accusations are proof!
  16. I wonder if she includes herself in the bracket that should pay 70%, or if the definition of "rich" who must pay their "fair share" starts just above her congressional salary.
  17. I would agree with TYTT. Realistically, they had to. He actually committed a crime while in office. However, politically, it was folly to do so on such thin allegations after years of attacking him/looking for a reason to impeach. The latter is the trap the Democrats are stepping into. They're painting themselves into a corner, where if they don't impeach him they look like buffoons to their base, and if they do (especially on the Gator-level stupidity), they look like buffoons to the the moderates and independents.
  18. Wow, they really don't understand us, do they? The Japanese high command in 1941 thought we would quickly tire of a Pacific war.
  19. Gore lost because the dumbass didn't run as Clinton's third term. Clinton's approval numbers skyrocketed (relatively speaking) after the impeachment debacle.
  20. He beat Hillary, he MUST be guilty of all of that! Who needs more evidence than the 2016 election?!? It was HER turn, dammit!
  21. The Senate would have to take up the matter through trial and removal vote; I don't believe they would have a choice under current interpretations of the Constitution if the House passes Articles of Impeachment. And no, they didn't learn from the Clinton debacle. They're morons.
  22. He should also introduce a proposed amendment that only US citizens can vote, and they must verify both their identities and citizenship before voting.
  23. That's the game the Democrats want to play. It's all about forcing poison pill votes they know aren't going anywhere just so they can point at the evil GOP and cry victimhood in 2020. Neither side gives a ***** about actually legislating. Either way, people are going to eventually realize that the partial shutdown isn't affecting their lives - at all. The narrative will soon shift to constant sob stories of useless federal workers who haven't been paid and are going bankrupt because they spend like idiots and didn't plan for the well-known fact (from last Feburary-ish) that the government was likely going to shut down in December.
  24. Political posturing is the sole point. The Democrats damn well know it's not going through the Senate (or going to be signed if it were.) Pelosi and company want to try to pretend that they're doing something so they can lay the blame on Trump and McConnell for "obstructing" the "will of the people".
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