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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'd say that it's any verbal conduct intended to provoke a negative reaction in another. By negative reaction, I mean: trying to put them down, make them feel bad about themselves, to agitate them, to anger them, etc. So ***** you, you ***** *****!
  2. That's racist an immoral... apparently!
  3. It's interesting that the media wants to fact check Trump's veracity (after already determining that his speech will be nothing but lies before hearing it), but don't you dare mention all the times they've been caught lying about his administration.
  4. Well, I'm glad that the lefties and the media (redundant as that may be) have already determined that Trump's entire address will be lies. We don't need to watch it now, just make sure you tune in for their "fact checking" and "analysis" afterwards, so that we know what we missed.
  5. Wow, talk about mewling babies. 'It's not fair, we want to lie too!' Just as well, as their rebuttal will no about consist of such classic lefty responses as: "ARE NOT!", "Double dumbass pork chop on you!", and "I'm rubber/you're glue!"
  6. Wow, the people commenting on this halfwit's thread are even more deranged than he is. The media is colluding with Trump now? ***** nimrods.
  7. The answer for the Bills is to do what Levy failed to do at Super Bowl 25: make them pay by repeatedly feeding the ball to the running backs.
  8. I suggest that you hand over the $100,000,000,000 immediately, before Rep. Crenshaw unleashes his master plan.
  9. The counterpoint is twofold: 1.) Orange Man Bad; and 2.) ***** you, that's why.
  10. I'd suspect that it's more ego and a lack of anything better to do with her time than party loyalty.
  11. Not just that, but if Trump were to ignore the forum-shopped TRO's and do it anyhow, it would be a great opportunity for the Supreme Court to rule on the question of whether a district court judge can issue nation-wide restraining orders (especially when the district court is thousands of miles from any affected area) - an issue Clarence Thomas has been pushing to resolve.
  12. Hopefully Allen will have some better receivers and (along with a year of NFL experience under his belt) will not have to rely on his legs as much next season. It shouldn't be a surprise that defensive coordinators are going to spy the crap out of him next season, forcing him to beat them with his arm.
  13. If by Attica you mean Curriers, then yes. Yes it does. Hasn't gone to Attica in a very long time. Not even sure if all of the old track is still in place.
  14. It is refreshing to have such honesty in a new poster. We also have a train.
  15. Thank God we don't have to worry about you being the smartest or most well-informed person here (or even when you're alone in a room).
  16. Imagine C-SPAN's ratings if they ring the bell and a fight breaks out on the floor of the House!
  17. Me. I'm going to need a buzz to put up with her brand of stupidity.
  18. Wow, you're really just not good at this, are you?
  19. Not yet, but maybe later tonight after a few drinks she will be...
  20. The media and the libs will have an epic meltdown if he were to do this. Makes me hope he does. The entertainment value alone will be worth it.
  21. There is only one Michael John Bolton:
  22. She's got no ankles. 2/10 Would still bang.
  23. Wouldn't it be more of an animate campaign prop?
  24. It was the Illegals. They were doing a test run with their wall-busting dragons in preparation of breaching the future southern border wall, GOT-style.
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