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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Reminds me of a continuing legal education class I attended a few years back. They were presenting stuff on appeals for inmates who are denied parole, when one attorney in the audience started bitching that everyone is denied, because that's all he sees. My boss (who was moderating the discussion) finally pointed out to him that of course denials are all you see - people who are granted parole don't appeal. Of course the data is going to favor drugs seized at proper border crossings - the schiff that gets through the desert isn't counted! I'm still waiting to see how the Senate could have unanimously passed a House spending bill without it getting sent to Trump. I don't think the NPC has downloaded the approved narrative of what he feels yet.
  2. Because that's the current DNC-approved narrative.
  3. No matter how many times you spout the lie, it's still not true. If the Senate had passed the same thing as the House, it would have been sent to Trump. Why was it never sent to Trump, if what you claim is true?
  4. Holy hell, this is a worse scandal than the time he took TWO scoops of ice cream! #IMPEACH
  5. What ever happened to the PPP Bills thread anyhow?
  6. Did you guys hear the latest? A Constitutional Amendment was just passed allowing women the right to vote! Those damned suffragettes!
  7. How much is his mom being paid to perpetuate the lie?
  8. I'm curious to know what totally paralyzed actor they would suggest who can draw investors and audiences like Cranston. It's like these numbnut SJW's cannot understand that there's actually a business side to Hollywood.
  9. Revisionist history. Trump didn't renege on anything - it is very clear (and well documented) that Cryin' Chuck walked away AFTER Trump offered more than they were asking for on DACA. They walked away when some dipschiff judge decided that Trump couldn't use an executive order to override an Obama-era memo on prosecutorial discretion. Stop being an NPC, you look like a buffoon.
  10. Interesting, considering that this is what happened 11 months ago. The Democrats refused to negotiate in good faith after Trump agreed to fund the government last year. In fact, it's the same thing that happened to Reagan back in the 1980's. You do understand that the Democrats are lying two-faces bastards who have a history of reneging, right? Does that compute in your little NPC brain, or is it just fixated on #ORANGEMANBAD until you receive new programming?
  11. Definitely. It would only work if both promotions were run by different crews. Take what worked well with WCW, disregard the stupidity that led to their downfall, and provide a different product.
  12. Yeah, I noticed that the new guys have an unhealthy obsession with conservative/libertarian penis and anal rape. Makes me wonder where the bad orange man touched them.
  13. That's funny, considering nothing has actually crossed his desk to veto. You might want to actually pay attention rather than acting like an NPC blindly spouting incorrect talking points. Here's a hint: The Senate didn't pass the same bill the House did.
  14. Doesn't change the fact that we have a train.
  15. I always thought McMahon should have brought WCW back as its own promotion after they did the invasion/merger storylines. Keep the promotions mostly separate (other than the rare crossover/invasion angle when it makes sense), and let the shows compete against each other - sort of like the brand extension, without the co-mingling, constant references to each other and yearly 'shakeups'. WCW had a hardcore fanbase and rich history to tap into. Hell, ~20 years later they're still trying to resurrect some of the old WCW brand events as super house shows or NXT shows to cash in. WWE was at its creative best when it was against the ropes. Might have been worth a try to create competition. Regardless of which promotion 'won', McMahon/WWE still wins.
  16. They need to avoid what TNA did. Money is great, but if you're not putting out a consistently good product with good writing and storytellers, it's all for nothing. I actually liked TNA matches better than WWE matches, but their storylines got terrible. I turned them off for good when they ran an angle where one wrestler held a knife to the throat of another wrestler with kids in the audience. Of course it was scripted - and I'm not easily offended - but that was too much. Apparently it got far worse when they started letting Hogan and Russo write the show. AEW is going to have to spend a few years building up the brand. Khan using his financial muscle to sign established stars and get a TV deal will help, but they have to show that they can keep churning out engaging storylines for all of their performers to make any headway. Rhodes as the eternal champion is going to get old, fast - like the early days of TNA as Jeff Jarrett's ego trip. Hopefully they can get Omega in the fold and build the single's division around Cody, Omega, PAC, and Jericho while they grow/develop some of their own stars. They also need to avoid, in the short term, direct competition with the WWE shows. They're not winning that battle anytime soon.
  17. Just as well, after looking at them, at least we now know that the zombie apocalypse has come. Simple, because #OrangeManBad.
  18. I thought Crenshaw was the perfect Bond villain in Congress. These two idiots managed to beat the eyepatch.
  19. Gonzo? Seriously? After what happened 28 years ago in that unspecified date, time and place?
  20. Is he chuckling, chortling, or guffawing? I mean, it was a kid that got killed, not some nobody ambassador.
  21. Well, if they can consistently put on a good show, they should be alright. They've got a metric crapton of money behind them with the Khans.
  22. Of course it is, there's a CONSENSUS, man!
  23. Still a disingenuous lie, Tibs, as has already been pointed out by B-Man.
  24. She's a definite yes. The crazy ones are the most fun... until they slash your tires and shoot at you in the middle of a crowd. Gotta take the bad with the good.
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