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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Pfft. Don't tell me he's actually proud of that dinghy. He should buy himself a real yacht. Now THAT'S a yacht.
  2. Nah, they're just going to B word that Trump is using taxpayer money for to do his job, while he wouldn't let them use taxpayer money for a publicity tour/photo op unrelated to their jobs.
  3. The real plural of "Data":
  4. That, my man, is precisely why they publish the lie.
  5. The NPC is becoming unhinged today.
  6. You'll notice that he's been given time to answer the question about his pedophilia, and can't or won't...
  7. Which one of the 3 times he answered your question did you find unacceptable?
  8. I must admit, I've never seen a more flawless candied yam than Trump.
  9. I think it's more effective for him to do that while she's only blocks away. Makes her look even more unreasonable and ridiculous. Wow, that was quick. The left usually doesn't go with the "PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY GOING TO DIE!!!11oneoneone" talking point for at least a week.
  10. ***** sick.
  11. The Democrats are so blinded by believing races vote in blocks that they just can't understand that legal immigrants absolutely HATE illegals.
  12. 1.) If you think scaling a 30 foot wall, then climbing 30 feet down, without being noticed, is a quick or easy process, then you're an idiot. If you think that a significant number of people doing it, without being noticed, is a quick or easy process, then you're a bigger idiot. 2.) Tunnels are nice, but take time, resources, oh and mining them is easily detectable if you are paying attention. Israel is pretty effective at detecting and detonating Hamas tunnels under their walls. Which, I'm sure you claim are ineffective. You think there might be a reason they find tunnels so quickly? 3.) No one is asking for an "all encompassing border wall", including CBP. If you've been paying even the slightest attention to anything that isn't NPC programming, you'd know that. There are long stretches of border that are easily patrolled and/or don't actually need walls because there are other natural obstacles in the way. The whole point of the wall, as has been expressed numerous times by numerous posters, is to funnel traffic away from the remote border areas into places that are more easily defended. 4.) I love the "port of entry" talking point for drugs. You know, because statistics are kept of drugs smuggled through the wide swaths of open land. Did you know that 100% of drugs seized at a port of entry were seized at a port of entry?
  13. Is the actual Gestapo the Gestapo during this election cycle?
  14. That's a pretty accurate description of Antonio "Don't call me a diva when I act like a diva" Brown.
  15. It's almost like Trump has a natural talent to expose the hypocrisy and stupidity of the ruling elite.
  16. What the ***** do they know? Rope. Ladder.
  17. Well hell, that sells me. Why build a wall to stop/divert human traffickers, drug smugglers, and coyotes when it can be easily defeated by a lone guy with 60 feet of rope and a ton of time on his hands?!? Damn those clever slavers making their victims climb up and down a rope ladder! Unfortunately Border Patrol is just so inept that they're never going to notice groups of people taking hours to climb up and down rope ladders. Well ***** it, we shouldn't even try!
  18. Well, some reporter on SiriusXM's POTUS channel was claiming that Trump's letter wasn't accurate. Brussels was only a refueling stop. They may have been meeting with NATO officials, but it was just a brief stop. Seriously, in the same breath the dipschiff contradicted herself twice.
  19. Well, schiff. Since it's all settled science at this point, we can't deny it. Lindsay Graham has scientifically proven to be gay, and anyone who disagrees is a racist, islamaphobic denier!
  20. Eating cheese, not so much. Being a cheese-eating surrender monkey, yes.
  21. Should have brought some Pow Wow Chow and firewater with you.
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