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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Wasn't he the guy eating dinner with Al Fredo?
  2. There's a reason Trump fully supported Pelosi for Speaker. She's as predictable as she is unreasonable and unlikable.
  3. That's what Trump is trying to set up. Pelosi isn't going to go for it, though. She'd rather play the politics game and hope that public opinion doesn't continue its trend against her.
  4. They're trying to set it up like they're the PoundMeToo movement: We don't have to prove our bullschiff is correct, you have to prove it didn't happen.
  5. Whoa there. He threw medals away. Granted, they weren't actually his medals (which he proudly displays in his office) as he once claimed, but still...
  6. Real war heroes don't toot their own horn. What's next? You going to pin an unearned medal on your chest and walk around the local VFW?
  7. How about they give you until 3 steps away from your car? In the parking lot. 100 feet from the bar door.
  8. Not to anyone with an IQ over 75. The meaning was abundantly clear.
  9. If this were the trap Trump lays today, no one can ever question his political brilliance again.
  10. I'd say that media consumers are exactly as savvy as the media wants them to be. Otherwise, the media would stop trying to use clickbait headlines and run with stories that are actually true.
  11. Canada could be a shitshow, but we wouldn't know. No one down here cares enough to pay any attention - at all - to the great white north.
  12. I'd say Canada is more of a vassal state at this point. They are our inferiors, and they know it (thus the bluster from BigMcDouche.)
  13. I wonder how long the libtards are going to keep trying to convince themselves that "accurate" means 100% true, therefore "inaccurate" can mean 99.9% true. The mental gymnastics are still quite astounding.
  14. Give them time. The DNC also has to try to connect the Buzzfeed report, and Mueller's subsequent denial, to "OMG PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY GOING TO DIE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!111oneoneone" Their "Trump War Room" has a lot on their plate at the moment. Oh, there's the connection to mass deaths.
  15. Perhaps. Makes sense if Mueller's report isn't what everything thinks it is. Of course, it could just be as simple as a hack "journalist" making ***** up to sell a story. That's not as much fun, though.
  16. Were I a bit more on the conspiracy-theory side of nuts, I'd wonder if the Buzzfeed story was intentionally created via "leaks" to distract the House Democrats with something new (and easily disproven) to focus their energy on with their promise of endless investigations. Keep the House idiots chasing their tails, while Trump's administration does the real work through deregulation and the Senate.
  17. Well, by "not accurate", Mueller actually means that Buzzfeed got some minor details wrong. They didn't actually say the report was false, therefore #OrangeManBad. Lot of the usual nonsense attempts at taunting about Junior being indicted for #OrangeManBad.
  18. The mental gymnastics the liberals are going through under Junior's tweet are truly astounding.
  19. In lieu of an explanation, I'd rather Logic cite specific examples, perhaps providing links to primary sources detailing all of these human rights abuses Trump's perpetrated. And no, being "mean" on twitter doesn't count as a human rights abuse.
  20. At least all the women and minorities have been rounded up and slaughtered as the nuclear bombs start to drop. Damn shame he tanked the economy to create the worse depression ever.
  21. Not the reboot.
  22. Dear diary, I don't see any illegals trying to get through that fence or otherwise cause trouble in this picture. Therefore it is ineffective. Mr. Trump, tear down this wall!
  23. Well, he may have had a little French in him last night. Then Italian. Then Greek. Then some Bostaurus.
  24. It's all part of the plan. 1.) Collude to get Trump elected, who increases sanctions. 2.) ??? 3.) Putin rules the world!
  25. Nice edit of the video. Here's what they really said to the plane:
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