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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I could see RBG being put on permanent life support, even if she were to be clinically brain dead, so they could claim she was alive and that Trump can't nominate a replacement.
  2. Yeah, but that doesn't bother me. How many words, that we use regularly, can we actually define if asked? She did use the word correctly for her BS.
  3. She's cute, but stupid. If you're going to make such scurrilous accusations, you damn well better be able to back it up when challenged.
  4. No cost is too great when you're fighting to deny a racist, immoral wall to actual literal super-mecha Hitler!
  5. It's almost like there's a coordinated effort to overwhelm the border patrol and immigration courts.
  6. He's got to buff up his liberal credentials by ***** up California some more.
  7. True, to a certain extent. He can later say that he never subscribed completely to the failed ideas of [whomever], and that he will enact [whatever] policies if elected. The leftists will lap that up.
  8. Kaine also has a history of policy preferences - something Beto can't be tied to. I'm sure being a white male with a white male name and insufficient loony leftist credentials factors into him not running (yet) more than being Hillary's running mate.
  9. He'd be best off going in as the VP candidate in 2020, to increase his national exposure, while the Democrats exploit and expand his contacts/ability to raise massive amounts of cash. He needs to stay away from getting into the mud with the current crop of insane bottom-feeders lining up for the Democrat nod. The extreme leftist bullschiff they're aiming for isn't going to last long. Being a VP candidate keeps him insulated from having to make a record of policy preferences (which can be used against him later), and a loss to Trump doesn't hurt him (as it was the nominee who lost to Trump, not Beto.) That puts him in a prime position to run in 2024, without an incumbent (and severe GOP White House fatigue), if they lose, and puts him in line in 2028 if the Democrats actually manage to win.
  10. She's following the Howard Stern model of shocking people for attention. Say enough stuff, people tune into see what she says next.
  11. Let's not forget that the Bills have not been to the Super Bowl since Sanborn (and his glorious mane) was cut. FIRE EVERYONE!
  12. I wouldn't be so quick to anoint the Hispanic Irishman just yet. He's too 'exhausted' to run right now, and he's just waiting for the people smarter than him to tell him the best time to enter the race. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/25/orourke-2020-decision-months-away-1126571
  13. He sells coffee there that comes from Colombian and/or African beans. COLLUSION! In addition, one of the farmers who grows his beans forgot to recycle waste products one time 30 years ago. HE'S ANTI ENVIRONMENT!
  14. A ~15th trimester abortion?
  15. So... is Jimbo going to tell him to get a HoF center, two HoF receivers, a HoF running back, and a HoF head coach?
  16. Half of them are dead, the other half are far too old to put on a quality match.
  17. THIS time will be different! Just like they really got the smoking gun that brings down Trump's administration THIS time!
  18. The account in the picture doesn't have the blue 'verified' check mark, so it's likely a fake.
  19. Her mugshot looks like she cleans up alright. I'm in.
  20. The funny thing is that the people who are celebrating this abortion of a law are the same ones who demand that parents ask infant children for permission before changing dirty diapers.
  21. He'd be smart to use some of his fortune to buy a few media companies before the DNC can do that. Gives him a platform to counter their smears.
  22. That's with TWO scoops, mother *****.
  23. You want more South American trash coming to the border? What's next, Asian Carp?
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