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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I read an article earlier tonight where the writers were sharing sob stories about average middle class people making $80,000 to $100,000+ whining about the "Trump tax raise" because they weren't getting their $5,000+ refunds anymore due to the SALT cap. It was going to break the one family, because they use that money to "start over" every year. It was quite funny. Especially the comments. It was clear those idiots have no ***** clue beyond #OrangeManBad.
  2. You really think people are capable of understanding what an effective tax rate is? These are the same types of morons who are crying about the SALT deduction being the federal government's problem, rather than realizing that their state is taxing the crap out of them. The same morons who think that their tax returns are free money, with zero clue that they're giving the government an interest-free loan.
  3. Going to be interesting to see how she spins her earlier stance of the wall being immoral. I'm guessing they're going to play the name game. It's not a wall, it's a barrier/fence/peaches.
  4. I've got to hand it to you, you've got your fingers on the pulse and your eye on the ball.
  5. I'm totally investing in the prosthetic industry if this happens.
  6. I don't give a flying ***** what that idiot Trump is, so long as he gets the job done. Make no mistake, he is getting the job done, despite the best efforts of the juvenile #resistance.
  7. Oh c'mon. You know what he did. It's common knowledge that doesn't need to be spelled out. It's clear from the mountains of evidence that haven't been released that he's guilty. Of that thing. That we all know happened. But don't talk about.
  8. That's not to mention that all of the "Republican" faces have two eyes. They're clearly discriminating against Rep. Crenshaw, who only has one eye. Why does the left hate disabled people?
  9. This. Foles can void the extension year by paying the $2 million buyout price, not the entire contract. Voiding the extension year by using the buyback provision does nothing to affect the contract before the league year. He is still under the current contract, no matter what, until the new league year starts in March. Only then is he a UFA if he chose the buyout. If he chose the buyout, making him a UFA at the start of the league year, then he is eligible for the franchise tag. It's a fun loophole.
  10. More like an Allen-head screw.
  11. The people in her district vote down the D line. If she doesn't have that line, she's not winning re-election. A lot of people being enamored with her doesn't mean schiff if they don't live her district. ...and now she's learning firsthand that freshmen congresscritters have no power, and don't mean jack crap to the leadership. She probably should have listened when she was told to sit down, shut up, and be a good narrative-toting girl.
  12. AOC is going to get her ass primaried in 2020, fading away back into obscurity/punditry.
  13. Yes, we know that Ralph is the governor. He doesn't need to wear blackface to remind us.
  14. As much as I can't stand Nasty Nancy, I fully support her mocking this Green New Deal stupidity.
  15. What's truly going to be amazing is that dumbschiff is going to come up with excuse after excuse and apology after apology, instead of simply saying something to the effect of: "Of course that's what I put down; why wouldn't I? I truly believed, based on my family's stories, that I was of Native American descent. Clearly that was incorrect, but at the time that's all I knew." (Doesn't explain her blatant and obvious plagiarism of a French chef's recipe in that Pow Wow Chow book but I digress.)
  16. Is Nakatomi Plaza still standing?
  17. Is this before or after the Lollipop Fairy comes down from the Marshmallow Fields to sprinkle magic dust that cures all of the world's ills?
  18. You notice all these articles seem to ignore the NASA findings that the Antarctic ice is growing?
  19. Clearly the intent of eminent domaining the closed factories is so that they can plant massive fields of cannabis, thus saving the planet through green smoke. Word has it pot cures everything, including global warming/cooling climate change. Besides, when is taking stuff away from evil corporations and the top 100% a bad thing?
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