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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Is there an over/under for when the next manufactured outrage hit-piece against Trump will drop? I'm thinking Thursday.
  2. Are you trying to say that Agent Applebutt isn't to be believed?!?
  3. Oh, are we still pretending to care about and be outraged by a Saudi who was killed by other Saudis in the Saudi consulate in Turkey?
  4. It's absolutely amazing how many idiots think tax returns are free money.
  5. Judges have absolute immunity from lawsuits. Ethics complaints can be handled through counsel - if they even get that far. You don't think Justice Kavanaugh appeared before the 10th Circuit, do you? As an aside, judges can't actually commit "malpractice" because they are prohibited from practicing law.
  6. The court would lose all legitimacy if RBG was incapacitated and someone was voting in her stead. However, the problems with her being incapacitated are 1.) proving it; and 2.) appealing it.
  7. They can file whatever they want, no one is getting her medical information, unless they perfect her clone enough to authorize it.
  8. The comments are outstanding. These brain dead permanently offended idiots STILL have no clue that he's trolling them just for fun.
  9. *****'em. Burn the place down.
  10. Flaunting darkness is one thing, but how is their pizza?
  11. Yes, but it should be damned entertaining!
  12. He doesn't have to be factually correct when he believes he's morally correct because screw you, that's why.
  13. I'm willing to be rocked by that scandal.
  14. Furnished as-is, so yes.
  15. I like how the leaders of Muslim community want to meet with the Cubs and figure out how to move on. I'm sure it will somehow end up taking one or more large checks to the fund(s) of the Muslim leaders' choice for the Cubs to no longer be deemed a racist organization.
  16. Trump should fire back: "Bet they weren't the 'contractors' we annihilated in Syria."
  17. Trump reviews the applications before forwarding them on to Putin for a final determination. It's very important that the right illegal is chosen to be an overnight maid at the Trump golf resort in Scotland.
  18. Perhaps. They're still making references about it:
  19. Seriously? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mystery_of_Al_Capone's_Vaults
  20. Eh, what is Nadler going to do? He's there voluntarily. If Whitaker wants to leave because the committee voided the agreement, there's not a damned thing Nadler can do about it. Oh sure, he can try to subpoena Whitaker, which will be ignored, obstructed, and delayed - following the precedent set by the Obama DOJ.
  21. Yep! And just think, when the loony left finally get Trump "this time", we'll still have a crapton of federal judges who actually follow the law, including a Supreme Court majority; a business friendly regulatory scheme; fair trade; border security that actually works; and a pullout of troops from the endless wars. You guys are really going to show the rest of us! In January of 2025, anyhow.
  22. Oh I'm sure that most of them are really that stupid. I have the feeling that these people are enthralled and inspired by stories about how someone paid off their debt in 3 years by making several hundred thousand dollars per year and actually paying their bills.
  23. Wow, you've now managed to use two memes that originated as insults to liberal twats. You're so witty and clever. What's next, are you going to clapback, savagely destroying me with one tweet by throwing shade that breaks the internet? Unoriginal idiot.
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