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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yeah, but Obama is out of office.
  2. Of course, you clearly know better than the people who are responsible for border security.
  3. Apparently there was even a skit some 15 years ago that came very close to bordering on entertaining!
  4. Oh no! Pretty soon you'll be calling me a 'hoser', eh! I don't think I could stand that!
  5. Aww, how sweet. You're clinging to me like the younger, dumber brother that I never wanted.
  6. Well, whatever you have to tell yourself when you're feeling down and need attention from the PPP community. We're happy to validate your worthless existence anytime you want, buddy.
  7. Yeah he is. He wants to show us that he's special, because he seeks our approval. How ***** sad.
  8. Nah, Trump's actually got balls. You're Canadian, which disqualifies you from having testicles.
  9. Wow guys, McDouche is being edgy and controversial, everyone should look at him for his witty repartee!
  10. Hey everyone, look at McDouche! He's saying stuff about things!
  11. Aren't those the "dog whistle" "code words" we're supposed to be using now? I mean, we've only heard the word "collusion" carelessly thrown about for over two years now. Pretty sure he's doing it right.
  12. Hey guys, McDouche is begging for attention! Everyone look at him! Apparently his moose isn't giving it up tonight.
  13. What do you know about the reasons they "blackballed" him?
  14. How dare you rabble, like some sort of rabble-rouser!
  15. Failing that, post numerous signs. That never fails.
  16. I don't know about you, but I feel oppressed and degraded by that racist assault-smirk.
  17. Full-of-Schiff's downfall cannot come fast enough. Hopefully the old adage still rings true: Loose lips sink Schiffs.
  18. Hey, just because you happen to show up ahead of him, and he's the one responding to your posts, doesn't mean you aren't the one stalking the poor lad! Like some sort of pre-stalker!
  19. So... Coach Dumbass ran away again?
  20. The author forgets to mention that the 49ers Super Bowl birth was more about their defense than Kaepernick. He also fails to realize that there are other reasons for Kaepernick to settle (other than a "massive offer"), such as the distinct possibility that he might not have a strong case, and he might not win. Settlements are both sides hedging their bets, nothing more. Or d.) his level of play doesn't justify his salary demands and/or fan backlash against the team.
  21. Eh, the context of his quote isn't nearly as bad as they're trying to portray in the headline: https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2019/02/16/apology-tour-joe-biden-admits-to-gathering-of-european-policy-leaders-that-america-is-an-embarrassment/ Of course, he forgets to mention how Obama did the same things.
  22. I did specify "or whatever"...
  23. Now only if that 21 year old intern was being paid for being unwilling to work, he would still be alive. Ergo, his death is the GOP's fault, and proves conclusively that the "Green dream or whatever" saves lives!
  24. Quoth the Raven: MAGAmore!
  25. 782 of those self-references were claims that the judge owned DC Tom.
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