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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Eh, I'm sure it's not because of the 'block parties' going on.
  2. https://www.factcheck.org/2011/10/obamas-solyndra-problem/ https://www.dividedstates.com/list-of-obama-failures-of-obama-as-president-numbering-at-least-1063/ https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/07/21/fact-check-joe-biden-repeats-false-claim-about-shovel-ready-jobs/ https://www.cagw.org/thewastewatcher/shovel-ready-jobs-swindle https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/flashback-obama-admitted-787-billion-stimulus-was-utter-failure-there-was-no-shovel-ready-jobs-now-takes-credits-for-trumps-record-economy/
  3. You'd think that after 3.5+ years of President Trump's Twitter trolling, they'd actually be able to spot a Trump landmine, rather than jumping up and down on it.
  4. I truly wonder if Lewis' family even cares that Obama turned his eulogy into a stump speech.
  5. Uh oh. If Biden's numbers in the suppression polls are dropping this much, imagine what the actual numbers look like.
  6. Sure, she could be you.
  7. Oh hell, they still get pissed when you mention that there was no statistically significant global warming between 1997 and 2012.
  8. Hey man, I mask debate at least 8 times per day. I'm very passionate about mask debating. Men, women, kids... it doesn't matter. All that matters is mask debating.
  9. Well, now that you mention it, Rome did ultimately clip Carthage's nuts...
  10. Too many cows were farting in Carthage. Did you really think the Punic Wars were over territory/wealth/regional dominance?
  11. Guess they just don't want a strong black woman to succeed. Pretty racist. Their systemic bigotry is showing.
  12. Kinda like how black lives don't really matter, unless they're killed by a white cop.
  13. It doesn't help that CNN dutifully removed from existence the Larry King episode that contained contemporary evidence.
  14. You darn well know that the Democrat governors aren't going to allow that to happen.
  15. Now, now. We all know that everything Trump says must be taken literally, while Biden is clearly joking when he angrily tells people they 'ain't black'. It's totally not hyper partisan stupidity by the morons on the left.
  16. Mussolini was a failure. Trump will do Fascism right! He's just lulling everyone into a false sense of racial security by promoting the cause of blacks, his efforts the roll back Biden's crime laws, the economic prosperity, etc.
  17. Why, everywhere! Have you not noticed the fascist Federal Reserve troops on every fascist street corner spreading Trump's fascist fascism?
  18. Well, of course. Don't forget the 'boss move' of telling Barr that it was her time, she controls it.
  19. He sent in the Federal Reserve, of course.
  20. Ah, nice to see we're at the end of the old Clinton playbook of, deny-deflect-blame-who cares, it's old news.
  21. That rant was hilarious. Very few of her assertions were true, and most of those that were true were grossly (and disingenuously) exaggerated. I hope Barr's answer to her rant was, "No."
  22. They didn't do communism correctly! That's why we need to try it here.
  23. I think the Turkey is done.
  24. Seems even worse than that, if this guy is accurate:
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