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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Only if they remove the chainsaw bayonets.
  2. Yeah, you're pretty much Fredo.
  3. You're trying too hard to troll. Let it flow naturally. Learning how to spell henchmen and getting the right city helps too.
  4. Well, they can wipe out obesity if they pack the court with enough justices to overturn the laws of gravity.
  5. Don't forget the unemployed journalists who will be on the installation crews.
  6. Like that's ever stopped you.
  7. This is where he pretends he didn't, and hides behind his well documented lack of ability with the English language.
  8. You know as well as I do that the media isn't going to be staking out Schiff's house to televise the FBI raid arresting him. They'll bury it, because it doesn't fit the 'narrative'.
  9. Maybe Congress should have thought of that when they passed the law.
  10. Now you've gone and done it. The next NPC download: #OrangeManHitler
  11. Sue for what? The law Congress passed allows the AG to decide whether or not to disclose the report.
  12. Oh, so your children are unwilling to work and want free money?
  13. DAMN YOU TRUMP! https://news.yahoo.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-says-she-221755571.html She could have, like, you know, like, been teaching, like, high school or, like, something.
  14. All taxes are inherently oppressive. As I quoted earlier, 'the power to tax is the power to destroy.' We agree to a certain amount of oppression when we implicitly agree to abide by the social contract. We expect certain benefits to being in an organized society, such as the free flow of commerce - which requires roads; protection - which involves the military, police, fire, EMS, jails, etc.; basic education for children - which requires schools; and so on. That takes money, and we agree to give up a certain amount of our money to fund those benefits. The question isn't when taxation becomes oppressive, but how much oppression we're willing to accept.
  15. Because you had already posted it. I linked the article before seeing you had already done so.
  16. Who needs Mueller to issue a report, when you can just cherry pick speculation, call them facts, ignore anything that doesn't fit the narrative, then pretend it's all true?
  17. Forgotten in 5 years, out of office in less than two.
  18. I've never seen someone so enthusiastically starve his people. That *****wad needs to go, Mussolini-style.
  19. She'll be lucky if she isn't primaried in 2020. Some irrelevant nonsense about her will be published to destroy her credibility with the loony left, and she'll be back tending bar in 5 years, forgotten.
  20. If you look at the comments, someone tries spinning it as a parody video they intentionally made.
  21. “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy”
  22. I agree. The man did what he thought was right, and fought in Syria to save lives. The government did what it thought was right by prosecuting him, and the judge did what he thought was right by fining him $500 for the transgression. There is no fault to be had by anyone.
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