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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Certainly no grandstanding occurs in the 'Theater' Committee! I'm not calling Representative Tlaib an anti-Semitic jihadi terrorist, but that's just how I feel as a person of 1/1024th technicolor. I certainly did not mean to imply that Jihad Jane was a terrorist when I called her an anti-Semitic jihadi terrorist.
  2. Have you? Or is this just what *they* want us to think?
  3. As a follow up, the vest kid is really sorry, and the MAGA kid's family are saying they want to press charges. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/high-schooler-faces-potential-criminal-charge-video-knocking-maga-hat-off-fellow-student-goes-viral-015153063.html
  4. Still waiting for your stunning legal and constitutional analysis, you coward.
  5. ***** this carrier sub nonsense. We need to start building SHIELD Helicarriers or a Death Star!
  6. OMG! They, like, totally, like, really got him, like, this time!
  7. How big is this submarine carrier going to have to be to launch a significant number of bombers carrying a significant enough payload to make a difference? How is some massive behemoth submarine going to realistically remain undetected? How long are they going to have to surface and be vulnerable to launch and/or recover these bombers? How stealthy is it going to be while underwater? How many tens of billions of dollars is it going to cost to design both the sub and specialized bombers that will be compatible? Why not just launch some ***** cruise missiles from existing subs for a fraction of the cost? Impractical, unworkable, and a complete waste of resources for little to no benefit over existing technology.
  8. Privilege does not go away. However, if Cohen ignores it, what are they going to do, double-disbar him? Of course, if he ever wants to apply for readmission down the road, he'll behave himself.
  9. The idea is impractical, unworkable, and would be a colossal waste of resources to try to implement for a very minimal potential benefit.
  10. So... no lions?
  11. Can we at least agree that, if there is a singular religion declared, that we can start feeding Pastafarians to the lions?
  12. That angry octogenarian should not have intimidated those heroes into defending themselves from oppression by wearing a racist, misogynistic, evil MAGA hat.
  13. That's not unexpected. Being convicted of a felony is automatic disbarment. The decision to disbar him will be retroactive to the date of his plea.
  14. Well that's funny, considering that the border patrol, you know - the people who actually protect the border for a living - seem to think that building physical barriers is an effective use of taxpayer money to reduce illegal border crossings. But what do they know, they're apparently not "experts" in border security.
  15. She's definitely a woman of the people. Or would be, if any of her constituents had the ability to find her or communicate with their representative.
  16. What the *****? That's maybe a couple hours of work for one or two people. Significantly less if they have help. Is this asshat is trying to pretend that the "advance team" built the whole ***** building in advance of the event?
  17. I don't see how that was 'dumbing down' the discussion for Trump (other than it was a HuffPo piece, and they're dipschiffs with a mandate to attack Trump regardless of reality). He wasn't wrong. People forget Trump has been involved in negotiating and signing complex contracts for decades.
  18. Again, what does Trump lose? At worst, we wind up back where we started - the same place that the last 12 administrations left us. He still wins for actually trying, and getting closer to an agreement than anyone else. You also seem to forget that the sanctions were taking a massive bite out of the regime loyalist's collective asses. They are the ones who can depose Kim, not the rural farmer. The "maximum pressure" sanctions were never going to significantly impact the starving rural Best Koreans.
  19. What, exactly, does Trump have to lose, and how is it more than what Best Korea has to lose? Besides, do you seriously think that Trump and Kim are going to Hanoi to do anything more than pose for a photo op meeting to agree to an agreement that they've already agreed to?
  20. I think it would have been hilarious for him to come out, remind them that he's fast tracking the 'Green Dream or Whatever' for a vote on the floor of the Senate, offer to sell them some cocaine, then drop the mic and walk out.
  21. They probably know that it will rebound on Mueller. I suspect that's what they want, to scuttle any reports that exonerate Trump from the Russia narrative. The narrative is quickly going to go from Mueller being their hope to bury Trump to a GOP conspiracy plant, towing the Republican line. Watch idiots like Schiff demand all of his office work product if/when the OSC report isn't what they want it to be, then cry 'conspiracy' when it's not turned over.
  22. Actually, most Supreme Court rulings are unanimous. They just don't get media attention. You can't differentiate them by the type of case. The statutory maximum fine for that level of felony was something like $4,000 or $5,000. They seized a $40,000+ vehicle, which was wildly disproportionate to the fine range for the offense. The case was about the value of the property seized vs. the maximum fines allowed to be imposed in that state. The fact that the offense was for selling drugs wasn't terribly relevant.
  23. Eh, he'll perform at pro day, after he's had time to heal up and practice the drills to perform under completely controlled/scripted conditions run by his own coaches.
  24. I asked Alexa, who said she didn't know. Then she told me, in a different more government worker-type voice, to mind my own business if I knew what was good for me and didn't want to 'disappear'.
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