Damn those sneaky systemic racist bastards!
Since I unwittingly, and without my permission, benefited from systemic racism, am I now entitled to recompense for the inconvenience?
I'm confused: Am I expected to pay reparations to blacks for slavery, which my family never engaged in or benefited from, or for systemic reconstruction/Jim Crow racism, which my family never engaged in or benefited from?
You would think that the re.tards on the left would have figured out by now that the nuclear option goes both ways.
It is absolutely fascinating to see the Democrats continue to step on the rake.
He probably would have had his 4-6% if the Fed did not intentionally raise rates to slow the economy and keep growth from overheating. Just because you're clearly a dipschiff doesn't make what I said any less true.
It won't go anywhere in Court. The US Constitution is pretty clear the the individual states set the rules for electors. Of course, if Trump somehow won the popular vote, you'll see these states repeal their idiotic laws faster than @TH3 running away from backing up something he said.
They jacked up the rates specifically to prevent 4-6% growth. That's not really a debate. It was pretty widely reported why they were increasing rates.
They didn't want the economy to overheat, causing problems down the line.
Sure he does. He legislates with a pen and a phone, and is called a racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, totalitarian dictator actual literal super mecha Hitler for it.
I love the predictable spin of "Sure Cohen is a convicted liar and shouldn't be trusted when he says something that isn't negative towards Trump, but we should completely believe him when he says something negative about Trump. Would he lie?"
So... she's not going to pardon her political enemies?
What's her next act, she's going to encourage everyone to refuse to take campaign money from large corporations after she's already taken her share of money from large corporations?