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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, besides the fact that she keeps getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar...
  2. We will need at least 3 Congressional committees and an independent special counsel to find out. It will only take 3 years and a total budget of $450,000,000 to get to the bottom of this dastardly conspiracy.
  3. Thus the push for this popular vote compact nonsense. They know the 'blue wall' is gone, and that the schlubs in "flyover country" aren't coming back to the Democrat plantation.
  4. In fairness, Cohen didn't lie. He never asked for a pardon, he had his attorney do it for him.
  5. So... Justice Kavanaugh now drank beer, served punch in plastic cups, and gang raped children at gang rape parties back in the 1870's? The man is a monster!!11111
  6. Oh, so you don't actually know what socialism actually is, then.
  7. Please explain how social security is 'socialism'.
  8. What the ***** is this judge smoking? Not only does he admit that knowing how many citizens there are is important, he also admits that the question is in compliance with the law. This is the type of judge that makes me wonder if lifetime appointments really are a good thing.
  9. The failing at Jamestown had nothing to do with socialism. They ran out of food because the large fish they were using as their primary food source dried up, and they had no means of catching smaller fish to live on (they had stopped maintaining their smaller nets, which were rotted and useless by the time they figured out they needed them again.) Well, that and they didn't bother to set up farm land outside the fort (for various reasons). Capitalism did not save them, the few remaining survivors getting evacuated and fed did.
  10. People who are more interested (and capable) of improving our country and society than they are in simply trying to recreate their shithole country in our back yard.
  11. Good luck, and Happy Easter! Though personally I prefer to give up nude skydiving, but to each his own...
  12. Obama even had Best Korea denuclearized, before Trump ***** that up too.
  13. That is fantastic!
  14. I miss the Swedish Bikini Team.
  15. Am I supposed to feel badly for the 37 year old dipschiff who repeatedly can't keep a minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant, and is forced to 'supplement' her income with unemployment, or the 22 year old dipschiff who doesn't show up to work on time, and blows off shifts to help others? I'm just not sure.
  16. They may have destroyed her with a single tweet, but did they throw shade, break the internet, or clap back?
  17. That's disgusting. Funny, but disgusting.
  18. I'm in, though we can leave the watcher out of it.
  19. I'd love to see a current version of that drive. It's really fascinating to see how things have changed over 55ish years.
  20. What?!? Of course they do. There's CONSENSUS, for God's sake! The only way to combat this terror is to completely transform our society into a socialist utopia where the rich pay for everything, and those unwilling to work are set for life! If we don't radically redistribute the world's wealth immediately, we're all going to, like, you know, like, totally, like, actually, literally, like, die!
  21. When has Congress ever been about passing legislation when there were political games afoot (or at any time, really)?
  22. Will be interesting to see how fast a vote of no confidence pops up.
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