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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, clearly we don't need a wall, we need more technology like drones. See, we only have one angle of the illegals rushing the border, when we could spend billions of dollars to have enough surveillance equipment to show them crossing the border from multiple camera angles while Border Parole agents are still 2+ hours away because there's nothing to dissuade the illegals from crossing there.
  2. Is anyone surprised? Cy Vance refused to prosecute Harvey Weinstein until he started feeling the heat from the public, when it became public that he was taking Harvey's money after refusing to prosecute. They're all about Women's Rights - I don't see the problem. Women have the absolute right to follow sharia law to the letter, lest they be beaten, raped, stoned, murdered, raped, stoned, beaten, and murdered.
  3. That was the point. Oh sure, he'll claim it was a 'joke' and that he's 'funny', for now. In a year he'll accuse everyone of being a liar and that he never did such a thing. This is the pattern of gator going full gator.
  4. We'll find out by November, I think.
  5. On paper, they're a very dangerous team. On paper.
  6. Find me a judge that will state on the record that 'because someone else got x years, I'm giving that to you as well.'
  7. Rent a car, take the QEW to the Peace Bridge. Welcome to Buffalo. You're welcome.
  8. Just to be clear on the legal point: There is no such thing as precedent when it comes to sentencing. Every case is unique. To hold otherwise would be a huge Constitutional violation.
  9. Oh no, the vaunted "double dumbass pork chop on you" defense!
  10. Man, I was hoping for an explosion or two in the distance at the end of his speech as point #4.
  11. This is why I don't do Congressional testimony (well, besides not being important enough to have anything useful to testify about, but I digress.) I'd just look at her and ask her, 'What the ***** are you talking about? Does the dingbat who wrote your questions for you even understand basic English, much less the concept of banking?'
  12. Does anyone ever truly know another person? I mean, it's not like they merged consciousness and connected on a spiritual level...
  13. Yes, but they were merely peer-reviewed. You did not have consensus, therefore it was not science! Or something.
  14. How do you lose a vote by more than 149 votes when you actually lost the vote by 149 votes?
  15. That's never a good sign for the health of the ruling regime.
  16. What the *****? Air is now racist, and Whitey's fault? These people have gone far beyond full re.tard at this point, into some form of quantum re.tardation.
  17. It's obviously a work, but it doesn't make much sense from a story perspective. All she did was bury whomever eventually beats her for the title. Though maybe other forms of entertainment should take the cue! I can see Avengers: Endgame starting out with Robert Downey Junior saying that he's going off script by telling all of the actors whose characters were disintegrated/stranded on other planets to just call an uber and show up at the studio; that he's just an actor who is paid to read lines and wear a gaudy suit on camera; and that he could kick Josh Brolin's ass at any time before the end of the movie.
  18. Of course. Who the hell goes to work to actually get work done?!?
  19. Everyone who is shocked that Gator did something dishonest should now put on your shocked face!
  20. Should this be in a 'Would ya' thread?
  21. I'll bet that between the two of them, they can make one hell of a mojito. Nye brings the engineering background to properly measure out the sugar and mint leaves, and AOC is a maven when it comes to pouring alcohol out of a bottle!
  22. Many of us say right now that we didn't vote for him. I voted for the Libertarian idiot.
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