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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. 1.) They will put up more large signs to tell us what they're doing (a la the stimulus). 2.) Read the sign, man! 3.) By putting up signs telling us how wonderful the enlarged government is!
  2. I can't wait to see how many are from liberal congressional districts. Trump is enough of a troller to make sure the Pentagon drains them first.
  3. Why is that surprising? Did Beijing agree to actually do anything other than cash the trillion dollar checks Obama agreed to send, in exchange for vague promises that they would look into reducing emissions?
  4. Gator may be a re.tard, but he's OUR re.tard!
  5. Well, he's been scrubbed by Wikipedia, who now states: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace#Founders_and_founding_time_of_Greenpeace It also cites a Greenpeace Founders article (revised on 3-12-2019) that simply refers to Moore as being on the boat. https://web.archive.org/web/20090301164350/http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/about/history/the-founders Google isn't scrubbing him from history, his own organization is. Edit: Oh, I should point out that not only was he just a guy on the boat, but he's the enemy: https://www.greenpeace.org/archive-international/en/about/history/Patrick-Moore-background-information/
  6. Oh look, it's that time of the month, where the talking points require that Trump be called a racist/white supremacist/white nationalist! Let me guess, you're going to back it up with the ever-popular out-of-context "good people" lie, right?
  7. This seems as good a thread as any to place this in: https://news.yahoo.com/growing-movement-calls-media-avoid-naming-shooters-123119780.html Interesting take on stopping the publicity these sick *****wads enjoy after killing innocent people. There was an NCIS episode that dealt with this (I cannot remember what episode or season, however). The guy is eventually caught, and was bragging to Gibbs about the fame he was going to enjoy. As a ***** you, they redacted his name in everything on 'national security' grounds, ending the episode with a Gibbs grinning after a news report stated that they could not release the killer's name.
  8. Don't forget his talent for jumping on piles! He was a master at that.
  9. Well of course. He's crusading against foreigners in a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, anti-Semitic crusade to dogwhistle and racist blah blah blah because actual super mecha-Hitler reasons.
  10. English is hard. Not quite a freefall, but that's only because they're extending unsustainable levels of credit to keep it growing. As the second article I linked mentions, the credit is unsustainable, but the CCP has little choice, since their legitimacy now depends on their proclaimed economic prowess (which is also why they consistently lie about their GDP growth, as well as their failure to mention per capita GDP being pathetic.)
  11. Maybe not as well as they claim it is. There's evidence now that China's GDP is quite a bit lower than they claim it is: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/chinas-economy-not-so-big-after-all-46887 Interesting side note about the per capital GDP - it's still about half of what ours was in 1970. Their current "growth" is apparently based on unsustainably borrowed money: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2019-03-11/whats-causing-chinas-economic-slowdown
  12. So, is this an attempt to get the Democrat primary debates back on Fox? Her integrity with Democrat debates is certainly unquestioned!
  13. Is that seriously the talking point for today? Man the left is laughably (and consistently) stupid.
  14. The man just really likes his testicles?
  15. True, but he is making great progress in quickly catching up with his particular brand of permanently-offended snowflake dipshittery.
  16. Where else was he going to meet with the albino cloned-lizardman pope? Conspiracies don't conspire themselves, you know.
  17. So the white girl thinks that we should be offended by the color description of band-aids, on behalf of non-whites, who are apparently incapable of expressing themselves? Funniest thing this idiot has said in 15 years.
  18. Any guesses how long before he's found face-down in the gutter after an apparently botched mugging?
  19. Well, really, what was the 10th Circuit going to do, remove him from the Supreme Court bench? Suspend him? Appellate courts go out of their way to make chickenshit decisions that don't actually decide anything.
  20. There you go trying too hard again. Quality over quantity, bro.
  21. You'll have to excuse The Dude. It's the ides of March, and he has yet to get over Julius Caesar being killed... over 2,000 years ago. Between that, and his inherent misogyny and racism, it's too much for the lad.
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