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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Never underestimate the societal impacts of jock itch.
  2. Damn that Trump DeSantis!
  3. Dihydrogen Oxide is one of the most corrosive liquids on Earth. If you've never read a MSDS on it, you should.
  4. Yeah, but that's old news that doesn't fit the current narrative. Doesn't count; never happened.
  5. Huh, sort of like, "Biden's coherent statement" and "President Hillary"...
  6. She's a liar, a moron, and a hyper-partisan douchebag. She's perfect for Creepy Joe's VP!
  7. PBR Panels are never wrong.
  8. Of course not. He's even got a blue ribbon panel of hand-selected experts who wrote a report saying it wasn't his fault. Blue. Ribbon. Panel.
  9. C'mon B-Man, we had people swearing up and down that a border wall would be ineffective because the vast majority of smugglers are caught at official border crossings.
  10. Oh hey guys, we've got yet another "conservative" that does nothing but spout DNC talking points. How cool and edgy. On a completely unrelated note, I'm a 6'8" Olympic power lifter and street fighting god who makes Usain Bolt look slow on the track.
  11. I'm surprised that he was only 85, I would have guessed 95+ with how long he's been playing old people. Also pretty amazing that he never took an acting class.
  12. Well, she might polish the rockets first.
  13. So... daddy wouldn't let him turn NewsCorp into CNN2?
  14. Nah, his dishonesty and stupidity hasn't reached the level of being put on the 'ignore list'.
  15. Dishonest.
  16. I'm sure they'll just make the unvaccinated sew yellow stars into their clothing, so that everyone knows to avoid them.
  17. Being intellectually dishonest and disingenuous isn't nice either, but you still manage.
  18. What if they only self-identify as having a cervix, and you are a cis-gendered patriarchal tyrant if you question their assertions?
  19. Oh wow, a lecture from the two most disingenuous and intellectually dishonest asshats here! I feel so blessed. One would almost think you morons also intentionally ignored the other 4 links I provided that said the same thing.
  20. Well, I was guessing that you would just look at the URLs and make a comment about a website while ignoring the content. Nice to see you didn't disappoint.
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