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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. He actually managed to be the one and only person I've put on ignore here. I don't miss seeing his posts.
  2. So it's not a problem for her to falsely and intentionally accuse a disabled veteran of being a Nazi, trying to get him fired, but she's the ***** victim because the agency who employed that man criticized her sloppy and stupid "work"? Yeah, this B word will fit right in teaching college courses on journalism.
  3. Don't forget that the left is also now full of: Constitutional scholars, experts on flag etiquette, body language experts, intelligence experts, and (soon to be if his taxes are released) tax law/real estate experts. It's really amazing how they magically become experts on every imaginable subject that is presented in the daily Democrat talking points memo.
  4. Or, you know, have entry into the bank pre-arranged? Especially if you're carrying weapons.
  5. Not surprising. Likely the standard plea offer for any first-time offender.
  6. Do you guys put your toilet paper in the correct 'over' position, or are you soulless filthy commie-terrorists who put it in the 'under' position?
  7. Buttigieg... ? The really funny thing is she ran for Senator initially by claiming that she was a pro gun Democrat from a red county.
  8. The nutshot hug looked painful.
  9. Bezos is a lying liar who lies? I never would have guessed.
  10. Or, you know, he can pay people on the books and pay the appropriate payroll taxes too.
  11. Are you at least going to let the saw be turned off first?
  12. Well, hell, only $55 million? That's chump change.
  13. There's not *that* much field work involved in dairy farming anymore. They're not exactly sending people out to pick up stones prior to planting these days. Milkers and stall cleaners are the most labor-intensive positions - and most significant farms have auto-milkers now.
  14. Bah, nothing suspicious here:
  15. Interesting that they did not specify which TRUMP was the TRUMP they kept referring to by TRUMP. Was it Donald or Robert who was talking to the Brown guy?
  16. So you don't want the evil capitalist business owner paying his 'fair share' of taxes?
  17. Yikes! That kid must have *REALLY* needed a boost to his GPA.
  18. Party at Chef Jim's?
  19. On top of that, there are ways to hire actual citizens for dairy farm work. This guy just wants to skirt paying legal wages and taxes. I have no sympathy for him.
  20. Don't be dense. There's been numerous idiotic allegations of all these supposed "business ventures" by lefties who can't even spell 'emoluments clause', much less know what it means. Specify which one(s) you're talking about. What business interests was he protecting with the "asskissing" towards the Saudis?
  21. What asskissing to protect what business interests?
  22. Apparently you know him well enough to allow him and his wife to freeload for 5 weeks.
  23. You're trying to claim that's a "bow"? You're a ***** idiot.
  24. No, it's about what I expected. Hell, the whole 'national emergency' thing has been a feint from the beginning. The idiots are chasing their tails crying about it, while he's using other laws to legally re-appropriate the money.
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