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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I don't think they were so much trying to shut him up, as to get Mr. Billing to attack the jerkoff. It's not a coincidence that there was a second guy with a camera immediately in his face after walking out of the building. Despicable pieces of 'activist' trash. Same type as that Phillips ####### with the Covington kids, trying to provoke an incident to play victims and smear people.
  2. So what you're saying is that your ancestors colluded to bring slaves into the country?!?
  3. We do? Is it hiding under someone's bed or something?
  4. I like how people also conveniently forget that their population is 1/10th of ours. Lot easier to provide coverage for 33 million than it is for 330 million.
  5. Huh, wonder what political party these Aldermen belong to. In Chicago.
  6. Oh, their talking-point-approved narrative is that Trump is an idiot for pretending he invented free speech, and that they can't possibly imagine what anyone is talking about - universities are all about freedom of expression. Kind of a dipschiff double-whammy: Trump's dumb because we're playing dumb.
  7. Reparations for what? Don't be in the way, *****tard.
  8. Thank God I have proof of my athletic endeavors! No one can accuse me of not being on the javelin team!
  9. One of the Yahoo comments I saw when reading an article about this was interesting. He posited the theory that Maduro was testing the waters to see if he could get away with an arbitrary arrest of Guaido.
  10. Wow, after looking at some of his other tweets: this guy is a certified whackadoodle.
  11. In NY, they have mandated training for attorneys in diversity stuff, as part of our biennial Continuing Legal Education requirements. As near as I can figure from what training I sat through, I'm supposed to feel bad for being white or something. My friend, who is of Asian descent, was really pissed off at how racist he thought the diversity training he sat through was. I thought he was going to pop a vein, he was so pissed. It was funny.
  12. I shall take a stab at this: 1.) Democrats do. Why? To buy votes, of course. 2.) They were still oppressed by the racist remnants of slavery/Jim Crow. 3.) Blacks shall always be affected by racial discrimination that can be traced back to slavery. There should be reparations paid every 4 years. See #1, above. 4.) Native Americans, for the whole 'attempted genocide' thing in the 1800s. Asians and Latinos can wait their turns. 5.) Because you're a white devil, you cracker. 6.) Because you're a white devil, you cracker. 7.) Because you're a white devil, you cracker-ass mother *****! Only your money can alleviate the white guilt of the Democrat elite.
  13. Because they're covered by insurance. Sure, the insurance premiums and high deductibles bankrupt most families, but they're not being bankrupted by unaffordable medical bills now, are they? PRAISE BE OBAMA!
  14. Why do you believe that the toxic "battlefield" feel of press events is Trump's fault, and not, say, idiots like Jim Acosta who do nothing but pontificate stupidity in the guise of a question, shout inappropriate questions at inappropriate times, make false statements (again in the guise of a question), and ask disingenuous questions (before refusing to yield the microphone)? Is Trump and Sanders just supposed to take being falsely attacked without complaint, in order to "act presidential"? Is your answer to go back to Obama's "presidential" solution to try to cast out entire networks (instead of just disruptive "reporters")?
  15. If you're willing to engage in discussion, tolerate the occasional insult, and back up your position with facts (not feelz), then you'll be fine here. You're off to a good start. Oh, and you will be hazed.
  16. No one is asking you to sway anyone. However, 'acting presidential' is a pretty subjective term. It is hard to have a conversation about it when we don't know what you're actually talking about.
  17. What does 'acting presidential' even mean?
  18. Did they consult with the FBI Police first?
  19. Yes, I read the article. We really need a sarcasm font...
  20. Good, I say. Ban that cheater for taking performance enhancing substances! If he wants to gain unfair competitive advantages solely to win at cards, he should go with the rest of the uncivilized gutter crowd and play the World Series of Poker. Examples must be made!
  21. Tulsi has no chance. The media torpedoed her from the start.
  22. The idiots commenting on her post are truly amazing. They refuse to understand what she's saying, and just spout nonsense to argue with her, that she easily disproves. It's almost like PPP with idiots who refuse to read what is written, refuse to read the links she provides for more insight, and just stick with making stupid comments.
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