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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. He's gone full gator pending the instructions in his next DNC-approved talking points email.
  2. Holy schiff, I thought the tweet was photoshopped until I watched the video. That speech was epicly ***** hilarious.
  3. More on his nuclear tweet-storm: https://sports.yahoo.com/michael-avenatti-goes-on-offensive-on-twitter-claims-deandre-ayton-nike-involved-in-cash-payments-135228103.html Does this idiot really think that attacking Nike somehow eliminates the evidence that he tried to extort Nike?
  4. I saw that. Though I'm quite sure that substantially more than $10,000 changed hands to secure this deal.
  5. I would have gone with living rooms full of Joos, myself.
  6. That's the idea. The Democrats are going to cry and scream coverup when the report comes out redacted, knowing full well that Federal Law requires certain portions of it to be redacted. The media, once again, will ignore that minor legal point in favor of the narrative. Idiots like gator will lap it up.
  7. Going nuclear is an interesting option. Creepy Porn Lawyer is flailing about like an idiot. Hilarious.
  8. The Democrats and MSM have been gaslighting for two years. Now, after Mueller's report, it's all they have left to defend the indefensible. Gator is just really crappy at it.
  9. I read somewhere that the Israelis routinely warn the Palestinians when they're going to be dropping bombs in civilian areas, to minimize civilian casualties.
  10. Because, at this point, the polls are purely name recognition. In addition, I wouldn't be surprised - at all - if they're over-representing people in liberal states in these polls. Trump is getting more than 40% of the vote.
  11. But... but... BIDEN! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2019/03/24/joe-biden-leads-donald-trump-2020-election-matchup-poll-finds/3261265002/
  12. I don't know about that. He was never conclusively proven innocent beyond all possible doubt by Mueller, therefore, under the laws of PoundMeToo, Trump's still incredibly guilty.
  13. Not to mention a resolution blaming the 'pouncing' republicans for 'bullying' a man of high integrity like Full-of-Schiff.
  14. Them's fighting words. BTW, Robert Kraft has nothing to do with Kraft Foods.
  15. So, is the charity fight between Avenatti and Junior going to have to take place in Avenatti's prison yard now?
  16. ***** that beady-eyed ambulance chasing scumball.
  17. Is his leg still tingling? He wasn't even asking questions, he was yelling statements. I felt bad for the Congresscritter having to deal with that *****wit. Suicide is never funny, but anyone who commits suicide over Trump not going to prison is doing the gene pool a favor.
  18. Well, she is less charismatic than a dead raccoon...
  19. I hope they find your friend safe and sound, Foxx.
  20. So... is he no longer gay enough to have an event there?
  21. Shameful! Triple reparations for him!
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