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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I think this is one big reason Geno Smith fell so many years ago. There were reports that he was screwing around on his phone during interviews with at least one team. These kids forget that the whole process is essentially a job interview, and money is on the line for them.
  2. I sincerely hope that someone starts publicly sending these statements to the local attorney disciplinary authority (where they can be safely buried behind closed doors, because Chicago.)
  3. Does she look like Bill Clinton's lizardman clone to you?
  4. I would... Though I think I'd lock up my wallet and cell phone first.
  5. Nah, Full-Of-Schiff will continue the narrative he started today that there wasn't enough evidence for guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but we all know that he colluded with Russia beyond a shadow of a doubt. He's seen the proof! Apparently you think it's ok to have a president who indisputably colluded with a foreign power to win an election - even though a 22-month long investigation shows no evidence of that - but he doesn't think it's ok!
  6. Doesn't the one dipschiff from CNN constantly tell us that 'the media doesn't take sides'? Who better than CNN to tell us the truth!?!
  7. Will you two just get a room and hate ***** already?
  8. Yeah, we all know better than that, buddy.
  9. The comments are hilarious. TDS is a hell of a drug.
  10. I rather like this line: The first part is provably false, and as for the second part "later construed" is hilarious - anyone who claims they didn't know it was a joke when he said it is a ***** moron.
  11. Dear Penthouse, My girlfriend wanted to try something new tonight, other than the regular Dirty Sanchez and Cleveland Steamer that we normally perform. She suggested a Stinky Streicher, and man, it was great!
  12. Is it any better to be ok with epidemics because it culls the weak?
  13. Never change, buddy. Never change.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/rashida-tlaib-tweets-photo-hateful-note-left-office-door-fellow-congresswoman-ilhan-omar-135517057.html Seems legit.
  15. I hope we still get rid of airplanes and powered ships. Riding to Hawaii on 20 foot long seahorses seems like the schiff.
  16. Yes, much of the federal budget is borrowed. We all know this. We've all known it for decades. Thanks for making sure we know it... This is purely political pandering in a sadly transparent effort to buy votes and endorsements, same with the reparation bullschiff. I highly doubt Harris gives two schiffs about the teachers themselves. She is pandering to their unions for their money (and, of course, to proclaim how pro-union she is to the idiot masses.)
  17. Yeah, that's the problem - it's "too comprehensive".
  18. Reminds me of the explanation by the global warming alarmists for the lack of statistically significant temperature increases between 1997 and 2012: 'The heat increase was hiding a the bottom of the ocean, where we didn't look.'
  19. ? Was listening to that song on the way into work this morning.
  20. Beto Beta Robert Francis/Kodos 2020!
  21. True. Just like with federal highway funds, it becomes leverage to get the states to adopt federal directives.
  22. Tibs is an idiot, but he's not entirely wrong. The Federal government could conceivably fund a teacher pay increase through grants/reimbursements/etc. to the states. They cannot directly give the money to the teachers, but no state government is going to turn down free federal money to placate their teacher's unions.
  23. Yes, Velveeta brand is better for adding hamburger. Kraft is best on its own. Looks to me like their first attack is to have his identification suppressed. One article I read talked about how the defense are planning on challenging a stop of his vehicle, which was apparently done solely to identify Kraft as the person who exited the rub'n'tug joint. May or may not be relevant, depending on how clear the video is in showing his face. Either way, I fully expect Kraft's team to pay off the refs to ignore his deflated balls, and then have Goodell burn the tapes afterwards.
  24. I'm going to enjoy the spin the cowards will come up with to claim they still support the Green New Deal, after refusing to vote for it.
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