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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. They're just stoking the #MeToo fires, and getting some payback for Kavanaugh in the process.
  2. They want to get us hooked on guacamole, then control the product to force us to bend to their will. If Trump does not control this avacado fiasco, we will turn into a nation of this:
  3. This stunt is not going to delay the release of the redacted report.
  4. The link to the story provided by the El Paso Times in their tweet doesn't work.
  5. Yes, my new friend Comrade Joevan needs answers from you Russian assets! Stop colluding and answer the questions while I drink my complementary vodka scotch provided by the St. Petersburg Edinburgh troll computer farm!
  6. Are we going to have to hear about the oppression of the cis-living patriarchy now?
  7. After the Mexicans bombed Pearl Harbor, we needed a man like Trump to come in and get us out of Vietnam!
  8. Yeah, well, they weren't taking away his right to vote Democrat after death, just his right to run for President... after death. Stop with your factual nonsense. The standard is now being 'morally correct'! The BOSS said so!
  9. It's true! The BOSS said so. The Democrats in Congress passed the 22nd Amendment to make sure that a Democrat president couldn't be re-elected because he was a Democrat. She's morally correct, so you all just need to sit in the cheap seats while the BOSS and her friends in the Jihad Caucus run train on the country!
  10. Does the idiot not realize that the rule change was specifically to protect her and the Jihad Caucus?
  11. Give it some more time, and they'll finally have Trump THIS time!
  12. That's what we like to call, in the legal world, the "fu.ck you" quote. If you want to pay it, great! If not, ***** off!
  13. It's almost like Barr is intentionally giving the Democrats Saturdays and Sundays to craft talking points for him to destroy the following Friday.
  14. I would not be surprised - at all - if it comes out that she is not writing her own tweets.
  15. Ah, you're being a good little NPC today. Claim everything that doesn't support the DNC-approved narrative are lies, then spread your own falsehoods.
  16. Well, in true Tibs fashion, I shall say this: Prove me wrong.
  17. We get paid to waste time. It's called billable hours.
  18. This is coming from the same asshat who used taxpayer money to pay off a teenage boy he sexually harassed/molested. Yeah, Schiff is a real beacon of honesty, integrity, and anti-corruption. ???
  19. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa there, cowboy. She's the mother ***** BOSS! You need to stay in your cheap seats.
  20. In fairness to the Jihad Caucus, Trump's actions, as president, in improving our economy, improving bilateral trade relations, improving foreign policy, and not starting any new wars is a threat to their idea of "democracy".
  21. We're going to need a book to explain 'What Happened', and why AOC being a blithering moron is not AOC's fault.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jussie-smolletts-lawyer-not-worried-fbi-probe-nothing-improper-done-185918660.html This is actually brilliant on the part of Chicago. Either he coughs up the cash to reimburse the City, tacitly admitting guilt, or they go forward with a trial for reimbursement, meaning ALL of the Chicago PD files detailing the investigation become public record.
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