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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, at least they're leaving the Pacific Command alone!
  2. I fully support this measure, so long as every single representative in the NY Assembly, NY Senate, US House of Representatives, US Senate, and the Governor himself (along with their respective husbands, wives, or significant others) must release all of their federal and state tax returns to the general public for each year in office, and 5 years before that (not just let selected reporters "look" at them without copying, like Cuomo currently does.)
  3. Wow. Here are two more videos from this nutjob. She really needs mental health counseling...
  4. Showing that, once again, the left cannot come up with their own material; they have to steal their "insults" because they're too stupid to come up with their own.
  5. Not so! Nothing is too cruel or unnecessary when fighting actual literal super mecha Nazis who are wearing RED MAGA hats!
  6. Your best posts ever, guys!
  7. Wouldn't be at all surprised if it was in a stack of other papers/renewals needing to be signed.
  8. Maybe you should have watched the entire thing. You clearly missed the part where those kids chased off the MAGA-hat wearing actual literal super mecha Nazis that were hassling the autistic kid.
  9. Some ***** narc needs to be cut in the yard. Turning him into the police and telling his mommy like that.
  10. He was just skipping a few steps. First President Nancy will appoint Hillary as her VP, then immediately resign, thus giving the White House to Hillary for life! There are two sets of rules, one for the evil, nasty, vile, Republicans, and one for the pure, virtuous, innocent, Democrats.
  11. There is. It's just buried under the mandatory redactions, because Barr is Trump's "hand picked" "fixer" who is "pouncing" on stuff. There's even anonymous sources citing unnamed methods that heard about it 4th hand from someone with knowledge that says so!
  12. I agree, he's the only person to have ever made my ignore list. PPP is much better now.
  13. https://news.yahoo.com/court-barr-must-redact-grand-214050275.html Good article on a recent DC Circuit Court ruling about the government not being allowed to turn over Grand Jury testimony to anyone outside of the narrowly-defined exceptions - even Congress. Also points out that if the Democrats in Congress don't like it, they do actually have the authority to pass legislation to change the rule.
  14. Must be nice to be allowed into the private DMV branches, you elitist something something something!
  15. Hmm, does Cocaine Mitch need to schedule another vote to make the Democrat "hopefuls" back up their rhetoric?
  16. https://news.yahoo.com/2020-vision-warren-calls-for-end-to-filibuster-in-senate-184500247.html Wow, this is hysterical. She wants to eliminate the filibuster only if the Democrats win in 2020. If she really wanted to walk the walk, she'd introduce the rule change now. Laughably disingenuous. Not that I'd expect anything else from Lieawatha.
  17. Single for 10 years, except for the time about 5 years ago that she was engaged to Sean Penn.
  18. It is nice to see this every time he posts:
  19. The really sad part is that he's not even entertaining. Just pathetic.
  20. https://news.yahoo.com/cohen-asks-lawmakers-help-keep-him-prison-233425280--politics.html Cohen can't possibly go to prison! He's still got mountains of Trump paperwork to go through, alone, so that he can turn it over to Congress. Once he does, they'll finally have him THIS time! Honestly, does this guy still think that he's smarter than the average 5th grader?
  21. Where did I ever say that?
  23. How much will it cost the city? Very little. The city attorneys are getting paid either way. Can I think of cases where someone was accused of a crime and had to pay? What? This has nothing to do with whether he was accused of a crime (which was related to FALSELY REPORTING A CRIME), and everything to do with him allegedly falsely reporting an attack, then lying to investigators on numerous occasions to keep the hoax going. Honestly, where is the disconnect? This is not complicated to understand. He falsely reported a crime that he invented. He perpetrated a hoax. He wasted hundreds of man-hours of police time. For a hoax. He wasted taxpayer money running the cops in circles to investigate a crime he invented. As a hoax. These are not arcane concepts.
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