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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Figures, he is one of them: http://www.barabas-dental.at/
  2. What makes this even more idiotic is that the freakin' lunatic VOTED for the federal takeover of student loans.
  3. Yeah, but consider the respective target audiences of a WaPo reporter and a WaPo attorney.
  4. I'm not sure why this would be surprising. Even first year law students know that the first thing you do in a lawsuit is move to dismiss. WaPo isn't going to hire idiots to represent them.
  5. Yes, but did 4 out of 5 dentists recommend him?
  6. What I don't get is why he didn't just say 'seeya' and walk out the first few times she stated you're free to leave.
  7. You know, I liken this 'foreign aid being necessary to stop migrants' argument to idiots who refuse to pay child support and whine about losing their licenses. Their argument is invariably that they cannot possibly pay when they can't work due to having no driver's license. They tend not to have an answer when it's pointed out that they weren't paying when they could drive to work, so who cares? The foreign aid was clearly not stemming the tide of migrants trying to illegally enter our country. The money has clearly been stolen by the corrupt elements in their governments. What the ***** do we care if their foreign aid is cut off? What are these shithole countries going to do, send another migrant caravan with mysterious funding and organizers behind it?
  8. So the cost will be $3 billion and it will be complete in the summer of 2023?
  9. They really are [crap]. Their team twitter guy needs to grow the ***** up.
  10. That's easy. They've gotten Trump THIS time!
  11. I would. Might double-wrap first, but I would.
  12. I am going to laugh my ass off if he wins the popular vote. All these states signing the electoral college compact will be repealing their participation within days.
  13. Oh, a 'double dumbass pork chop on you' retort! Man you lefties are really original with your comebacks! So, genius, please point out where I said anything about 'criminal' in my response to DR. Or where he referenced criminality. However, it's nice to see that you're being the good little lemming and carrying forward the talking point that Barr's "summary" of Mueller's conclusions are somehow invalid because you idiots quite disingenuously spun what the document was into somehow being a 4 page summary of the entire report. Hell, did you even read the thing? Or are you just going on what your media masters told you to believe? (Rhetorical - we already know that you didn't, and that you are.)
  14. C'mon man, you know he's waiting for the next NPC update. So far, he's doing a great job following the current programming to ignore previous statements and now cry 'Coverup!!!!' and 'Ignore the law and release the unredacted report now, so that we can invalidate everything in the released unredacted report by pointing out that you ignored the law to release the unredacted report now!!!!!!'
  15. My favorite reply is the non-sequitur stupidity about Barr somehow covering for Trump eliminating pre-existing conditions. Looks like most of it goes into the Treasury's general fund. Sometimes to states/victims. https://wjla.com/news/spotlight-on-america/billions-in-federal-fines-where-does-it-all-go-12-03-2018-190332284 http://graphics.wsj.com/bank-fines-where-did-the-money-go/
  16. From the same people who say that Fox News is the propaganda arm of the administration because they only run negative stories about Trump 55% of the time, instead of 90%.
  17. Clarence Thomas has gone on record saying that he would like to eliminate the nationwide injunctions that these District Court Judges impose. These idiot activist judges are going to grant him his opportunity.
  18. Not worried.
  19. Hell, I'll give two years of 3rd's life for the footage!
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