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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Is that before or after he should take a crap in the coffin?
  2. No, but their ratings tanked this week. Both Raw and Smackdown dipped below 2 million viewers. Smackdown's numbers are the lowest in over 4 years. Amazing what happens when you spend years refusing to either build stars or have your performers engage in storylines that are actually interesting.
  3. Both quotes on page 181 of the Mueller report. You, sir, are either lying or too stupid to research the truth for yourself.
  4. Are you kidding? He looks like he's having a blast messing with them. He wouldn't have taken the job if he didn't want to deal with their brand of idiocy.
  5. Cornyn lacks "name recognition" in Texas, after holding state-wide elected offices for over 20 years? What the *****?
  6. Oh, so that xenophobic bigot Trump is going from racial profiling to genetic profiling??!?!? #IMPEACH
  7. Wow, the comments on her tweet are amazing. These deranged dipschiffs don't understand what they watched (or, more accurately, the summary that was downloaded into their little TDS-addled NPC brains.)
  8. In fairness, Trump didn't have a path to 270. He had a path to 304!
  9. Well, as many of the commenters on his tweet pointed out, that is one 'fast and furious' comment from President Obama's 'wingman'.
  10. Yeah, but you know what the narrative will be if anyone dares to criticize Creepy Uncle Joe for his Vietnam dodge: "How DARE you attack those suffering from Asthma! You are insensitive to those who could die from that disease. I'm shocked and offended and am now claiming victim status you insensitive offensive racist bigot misogynist racist xenophobic racist actual literal super mecha-Nazi!"
  11. https://news.yahoo.com/new-york-times-editorial-board-blasts-new-york-times-for-publishing-antisemitic-cartoon-141701465.html So the NY Times Editorial Board makes a halfassed apology for the horribly anti-Semitic cartoon they published, but then go on to blame Trump for violence against Jews, before falsely claiming he does not condemn White Nationalists. ***** disingenuous jackals.
  12. I loved the question Nadler asked to his adie about what they were tabling.
  13. So the part where Barr stated the conclusions of Mueller that there was 'no collusion', and that the AG and DAG found 'no obstruction' after Mueller punted (on the legally dubious theory) were inaccurate because a summary of the summary did not contain the proper 'context'?
  14. This is correct. He has a daily radio show on SiriusXM. He all but admits that he is pretty proud of being an arrogant douche. It's funny when someone criticizes him or CNN, he starts gaslighting them pretty bad, after demanding a laundry list of specific examples from them. He seriously started telling one caller that it 'was you, not me who has the problem.'
  15. Cthulhu never faced GI Joe in syndication...
  16. Because, apparently, the sole function of Congress is to oversee the executive branch, never mind that whole 'legislature' nonsense that doesn't really matter in our Nazi-controlled totalitarian democracy.
  17. What, you wouldn't buy weapons from this guy? See, he's even showing off the merchandise!
  18. The woman's arm looks a little long.
  19. I could shotgun the beers, but then what would I need the belt for?
  20. So Judge Napolitano has been ripping Trump for the past two years, and is NOW complaining that Trump isn't treating him well as a "friend"?!? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/andrew-napolitano-responds-trump-twitter-140623867.html
  21. The same Democrat candidates that seem to think that piss-warm beer is acceptable. We invented refrigeration for a ***** reason, you ***** Europhile asswipes!
  22. Iron spine with a complementary set of brass balls?
  23. That belt is totally impractical. One or more of those beers will get warm by the time you get to it.
  24. So what you're saying is that Trump is such an incompetent racist/misogynistic/bigot that he can't even get racism, misogyny and bigotry right?!? ***** useless Russian agents... #IMPEACH
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