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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I hope they do, with either Barr or Trump. The trial before the Senate would be a hoot.
  2. This is just another painfully transparent political stunt by Nadler. Part distraction from 'no collusion', and part retribution for the GOP legitimately holding Holder in contempt for being an asshat. A referral to the DOJ is meaningless, and an attempt to bring him before the full House for punishment (which they can do) would be overturned by the Courts immediately. Congress cannot order someone to violate Federal law.
  3. I can accept that Mueller is trying to save his own ass, and that might explain why he was intentionally vague with the obstruction thing (the longer it goes, the more he keeps his name on everyone's lips - which keeps him from being a target.) However, I don't think that he's a 'white hat', especially since he went out of his way to muddy the waters with the report. He's not a stupid man, he damn well knew that leaving the 'obstruction' question open-ended like he did would do nothing but inflame the situation and prolong the political nonsense. People wanted closure, one way or the other, and he went out of his way to insure that there was not going to be any. Fair enough, but what I was getting at is what is he getting out of doing so? What's his endgame?
  4. I really question what Mueller's game is. It seems that he knew back in 2017 that there was no collusion, but kept the "investigation" going for another year+, clearly influencing the 2018 mid-term elections. Now that he comes out with his report, he refuses to do his job and make a decision on the "obstruction" nonsense (he was obligated to explain his prosecution/declination decisions, not to punt without explanation), after laying out a number of incidents that could only be prosecutable under a highly dubious reinterpretation of the statute. He has done everything he can to muddy the waters and keep this nonsense going for another 6 years.
  5. I see a pinkish-gray shoe with teal.
  6. He won't win CA's electoral votes, but they're doing this in an effort to artificially inflate the "popular vote" numbers for the Democrat sacrificial lamb. Trump got just under 4.5 million votes in 2016 from California.
  7. She is a ***** lunatic. I really hope someone pushes her as VP material.
  8. How would we know, there are no notes.
  9. Well, he had to get his latest set of COLLUSION orders from his master Putin, while eating an appetizer salad with RUSSIAN dressing, some beef STROGANOFF for the main lunch course and TWO SCOOPS of borscht-flavored ice cream for dessert. #DOUBLEIMPEACH
  10. Yes, we all know that Al Capone was a criminal. I'm talking about Al Capon.
  11. Without searching the US Code or the House rules, I would way probably not. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contempt_of_Congress (Yes, it's wikipedia, I know...) Interesting article on the history of Congressional investigations/subpoena power. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=2ahUKEwjw5Y698P_hAhWHZd8KHev6DE4QFjAEegQIABAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theusconstitution.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F01%2FCongressional-Oversight-Issue-Brief.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2QmuKGbSyd7RdPNm8nWUb2 The Supreme Court has upheld contempt proceedings/punishments based upon the refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas. The House itself has the power to impose punishments for contempt, without going through the Courts/DOJ. However, in Barr's case, compliance with the subpoena clearly requires him to violate federal law, so it is unlikely any contempt proceeding would be upheld by the Courts if the House itself tries to impose punishment.
  12. Ah hell, helps if I actually look at the thread title before responding.
  13. Nadler issued it a couple weeks ago. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/19/politics/jerry-nadler-subpoena-mueller-report/index.html
  14. Sovereign Citizen?
  15. Al Capon was a bootlegger?!?
  16. The subpoena for the full, unredacted report, complete with all supporting information/transcripts. You know, the one that requires him to break the law.
  17. I would suspect he will have 'sour', 'extra sour', and 'you're a ***** idiot' flavors. The latter, of course, will be his best seller.
  18. That B word needs to eat less sandwiches. I mean really, I could barely see the beach with that whale in the way. 2/10 would not bang.
  19. Exactly. That's why the white guy can't get the job. He hasn't advocated for killing Whitey enough.
  20. Can't, he doesn't have sufficient street cred as a self-hating white guy.
  21. What the NPC dipschiff is refusing to understand (because he will not read the report, only regurgitate what he's being told about it) is that Mueller explicitly states that he interpreted 'collusion' and 'conspiracy' as being the same thing, because 'collusion' does not exist as a legal concept, while 'conspiracy' best describes what the accusations are. Oh, then finds there was no 'conspiracy', and thus, no 'collusion'. All I'm getting is that you are a disingenuous moron who is not here to be honest or to approach anything that can be considered critical thinking.
  22. A minimum of 5 hours of programming per week, and they still can't find time to tell a coherent story. But hey, we get to see the next PPV main event match wrestled 4 times before the actual match!
  23. Oh for *****'s sake. "Collusion" isn't a legal thing, there is only conspiracy. Read the report, he explicitly explains this right above the quoted portions. As for the rest of the report being an "indictment", legally dubious novel prosecution theories are not anything. I suggest that you actually try reading. Good little liberal NPCs will want to wait for all of the "facts" to come out and be spun by the media before dismissing any Democrat wrongdoing out of hand.
  24. It will be interesting to see. The Khans can throw a crapton of money at the promotion to keep it afloat, along with using their influence and money to get a TV deal. If they're smart about how they present the product, AEW has a good chance at success. The real question is whether they'll ever really be a threat to the WWE.
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