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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Chris Cuomo is quite proud when he loudly interrupts to gaslight people he disagrees with.
  2. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/442727-unvaccinated-student-who-sued-health-agency-over-chickenpox-outbreak-now ?
  3. I'm shocked that anyone would insinuate that a man who states he has a photographic memory, then testifies under oath that he can't remember things, would ever be dishonest!
  4. Not to mention backed by firearms...
  5. I am deeply offended by that picture. Plastic straws are insensitive to the environment. BAN HATE STRAWS! C'mon man, didn't we just learn from Gator that only someone who has been confirmed by the US Senate to be an acting department head can be an acting department head?!? We have no Secretary of Defense!!! Cats and Dogs are living together!! MASS HYSTERIA!!!!11111oneoneoneeleven
  6. Stuff like this 'making sex with kids illegal' nonsense will ruin the 'Hot for Teacher' threads!
  7. All this proves is that King Andrew needs to tax the "rich" even more, and punish those evil corporations across the state with more crushing regulations and fees!
  8. No deaths? Probably only to the yellow bar.
  9. Well, in fairness to the coach, Trump is somehow a racist because he criticized the corrupt Democrat politicians running Puerto Rico into the ground for stealing the taxpayer money being sent there for recovery efforts. If Trump truly cared about the brown people, he would stop criticizing the Democrats in charge and send pallets of unmarked cash.
  10. Well, it's clear that Ms. Quinn is correct, at least in terms whomever spawned her. Who said they weren't? Be specific and provide the entirety of any quotes.
  11. Take the '0' off of the end of your link.
  12. It's not that what he is spouting is biased, it's that the DNC talking points he is parroting are simply untrue.
  13. The real problem, and the reason that the Democrats need Mueller to testify, is that there were no interactive pop-ups in his report.
  14. Roughly 5 minutes after Stacy Abrams concedes defeat, and admits that she will never be the GA governor.
  15. Mueller is trying to save me 15% or more on car insurance?!? That mother *****!
  16. More than that, the liberals are using this to continue their bullschiff narrative that the DOJ is playing "bodyguard" for the President. You know, because foiling their latest scheme, by pointing out what they want isn't legal, is playing 'bodyguard'.
  17. The NFL would have a big problem trying to enforce that. Punishing him for having a legitimate (and presumably, diagnosed) mental health problem would give Incognito a nice lawsuit to pursue.
  18. #1 - Hell yes, sign me up. #2 - I would need to see more. That mugshot looks rough.
  19. They're painting themselves into an interesting corner. The only way they're going to get any political use out of impeaching Trump will be if they do so around September or October of 2020. This allows them to lay out all their BS allegations, without allowing the Senate to hold/complete a trial before the 2020 election. Any sooner, and the Democrats get their asses handed to them with the public support Trump will receive after the Senate trail shows that they're full of Schiff.
  20. Holy schitt. They almost got there! Almost.
  21. After Schiff and Nadler finally find collusion allowing the Senate to convict Trump, following impeachment. That will be a week before AOC realizes her dream of ending global warming by outlawing cow farts.
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