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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It looks like a pretty basic play, so there's not going to be a lot of harm to the Bills from his posting this. That said, this guy is a ***** idiot. What team is going to sign him, knowing that he posts his team's playbook online for all to see?
  2. So, her low numbers have nothing to do with her being an uncharismatic halfwit who has done absolutely nothing to differentiate herself from her better-known competitors?
  3. Not very, I'm sure. It's easy to spin bullschiff when you're conditioned believe that it's the audience's problem for not understanding your ever-changing and contradictory message. Or, in AOC's case, too stupid to understand that your message is contradictory.
  4. The GOP is bad for fact checking my "dry humor/sarcasm", but Trump and the GOP are totally serious and should be taken literally when they make an obvious joke. They should be ceaselessly fact checked!
  5. https://www.myarklamiss.com/news/local-news/minden-teacher-arrested-accused-of-having-sex-with-student/1995658689 I'd make her sing...
  6. Making a strawman out of Pence to start his campaign was a mistake.
  7. Wow, these "lawfare" people aren't terribly bright, are they?
  8. I hope Junior throws in a "Da Nang Dick" in his testimony.
  9. You're talking about weather, while Al Gore was talking about climate. 97% agree! CONSENSUS! YOU'RE A POOPY HEAD DENIER!!!!11111
  10. Damn, he is a master troll. ?
  11. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bernie-sanders-and-aoc-introduce-plan-to-cap-credit-card-rates-at-15-155341919.html Interesting proposals. I would find it hilarious if they passed a cap on credit card companies... only for those companies to turn around and deny cards to the idiots with low credit scores they both pander to.
  12. If neither of those work, the liberals will just have to come up with some sort of solution that is final.
  13. I'm still confused. Am I supposed to be outraged that people weaponize the ignore function, or outraged because certain posters weaponize NOT using the ignore function??!? I can't keep my outrage straight! ***** it, I'm outraged at everything!
  14. The same thing worked in Japan. In theory, at least. I do love their helicopter carrier "destroyers" though.
  15. Please cite sources for this, and point out under what Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure judges are authorized to order release of grand jury testimony to parties who are not specifically listed under rule 6.
  16. The solution is simple: Barr must keep drawing numbers out of fear of 'contempt' charges until they hit the jackpot!
  17. Oh man, the comments are priceless. One douchenozzle (out of how many dozen?) loses his press pass, and suddenly we're a fascist state.
  18. Probably because of the media's desire to keep her front and center. No news? Let's run a story about her boyfriend getting a haircut*! (*I'm serious; Yahoo actually did that earlier in the week.)
  19. The first rule of Agent Penis is that you don't talk about Agent Penis.
  20. But there's CONSENSUS! 97% of former prosecutors who are members of the Democratic Party agree! Mueller is just an obstruction denier!
  21. This is exactly what a Borg drone made from a Reptoid clone would say! (Am i doing this right?)
  22. Assault-smirks are no joke. They are hateful, resentful, hurtful, and offensive. They should be outlawed as a hate crime, especially when coupled with the one symbol of hatred and intolerance that is even more evil than a Nazi swastika: a red MAGA hat.
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