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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Talk about whitewashing. Maybe mentioning they are felons in the headline would be prudent? Just a thought. Pretty sure the pardons aren't going to work. Immigration law has a quite different set of rules.
  2. The real question is whether or not Bray is going to come out to a Slipknot entrance theme.
  3. My guess is that if Iran can use their proxies to provoke a military response from us, short of a full US-led invasion, the mullahs can rally the Iranians around the flag as being attacked by the Great Satan for no reason, and save their asses from being overthrown by those very same Iranians. Having a few military positions bombed, or one (or more) of their attack boats sunk, would probably be sufficient. They're asswhole Persians, not suicidal jihadi Arabs.
  4. What do you want? Even the pets of evil undead wraiths have to crap somewhere!
  5. https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2019/5/14/18623796/secret-origin-bray-wyatt-new-mask Cool story about how the mask came to be.
  6. Grace?!? The B word who whined, cried, refused to concede defeat, played the race card, then proclaimed corruption as the reason she lost showed grace? Damn, I'd hate to see what those morons think a sore loser looks like.
  7. Well, looks like someone wants to live.
  8. Clearly the are just trying to discriminate against her for being a Woman of Color and a Muslim. This is all about racism, Islamaphobia, and misogyny. Why do you hate children and beat your wife?
  9. They trying to have the swamp cash them out so they can run for the hills?
  10. Geeze, you send 15 coaches to the Siberian Gulags, and people suddenly think you're 'undermining' them.
  11. They may very well have, however my whole point was that Kraft can't challenge the installation of the cameras, or the warrant authorizing the installation. It was not his business, nor his building, nor was the warrant targeting him. That's what standing means. The real issue - the one he won on - was whether or not those cameras being there recording anyone who walked in violated his expectation of privacy. That's what the judge was talking about when he stated: Kraft's rights weren't being violated by the cameras being there. His rights were violated because he has a right to privacy in the back room when receiving treatment, and the cops were filming him getting 'treatment' - then charging him - instead of shutting off the cameras (or otherwise disregarding what occurred.)
  12. That'd be great. Sabres will win the Stanley Cup, or 29 other NHL teams might magically find radioactive materials in their water bottles!
  13. I think it's more accurate to say that while looking into allegations of sex trafficking, they found people getting happy endings, and chose to charge them. Looking into allegations of sex trafficking isn't a bad thing, but they seem to be going down a dubious path.
  14. You want to keep making comments about my standing explanation (while still not grasping the concept), but you were wrong. Now are you man enough to admit it, or are you going to keep up this laughably snide attitude to cover your lack of understanding?
  15. You know, the reason I stopped responding to you was because you have no idea what you were talking about, which you continue to demonstrate with each post. The tape was not suppressed because he successfully challenged the warrant, it was suppressed because he had an expectation of privacy in the back room, exactly what I said. Since you want to get all your legal expertise from articles, I suggest you actually read the one in the OP. Here, I'll help you:
  16. That would be the next step. ID and video are out; case looks dead.
  17. I don't stream, but have DirecTV. It's usually about 10-15 seconds behind live TV. As for things like Bills games, I DVR them, and start watching about an hour late. After fast forwarding through the commercials, halftime, and other assorted BS I usually catch up to the live feed of game at the end.
  18. That... would be a really cool movie stunt.
  19. What makes Clapper think that Barr doesn't already know what's in the IG report?
  20. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-supreme-court-app-store-194133068.html He votes with the liberal wing one time on a commercial issue, and suddenly "He’s not a reliable vote with the other four conservatives". Well, they do tend to keep dreaming...
  21. Her words were ill-chosen, but I got the gist of what she was trying to say. However, I don't have any sympathy for idiots on the left who don't like select portions of their quotes taken out of context. Most "fine people" shouldn't either. Oh wait, I keep forgetting that what's good for the goose (Trump) isn't good for the gander (Omar/AOC/Tlaib/etc.), in the loony leftist mind.
  22. "War" can get pretty complicated. I'd suggest sticking to "Go Fish".
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