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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Ah yes, it's so "obvious" that there doesn't need to be proof, right? Clearly he "obstructed" the investigation into a fabricated "offense" by protesting his innocence. How dare he! He should be immediately impeached and a trial scheduled before the Senate.
  2. Yeah, that whole 'lack of proof' thing is a real B word, isn't it?
  3. Though we'll never know for sure, I'd wager heavily that the state visit, with all its bells and whistles to honor Trump, is an attempt to smooth things over with Trump. The Brits committed an act of war against their closest ally, and they damn well don't want to pay the orange piper.
  4. How to leverage the situation to create a distraction in an attempt to save their collective asses?
  5. Not just that, but it's prone to corruption. A couple of asshat judges in PA went to prison for taking kickbacks to send kids to prison: https://www.forbes.com/sites/walterpavlo/2011/08/12/pennsylvania-judge-gets-life-sentence-for-prison-kickback-scheme/#5f91c5cb4aef
  6. I totally, like, you know, like, believe that, like, she, totally, like, literally wrote that herself.
  7. How many liberal heads would explode if, after winning the court battle over this, Trump releases a few years worth?
  8. That ***** has actually gone and done it. He convinced the Pentagon to buy KISS-themed (and licensed) bombs and body armor!
  9. First rule of being corrupt: Don't make it ***** obvious that you're corrupt.
  10. She didn't get the clump of dirt to sleep on.
  11. You can't obstruct when you're fighting actual literal super mecha-Nazis.
  12. He had a clump of dirt, acid rain to wash with, AND furnaces to keep himself warm? Some mother ***** have everything.
  13. Here's an example: Zazueta, a lawful permanent resident, pled guilty in Iowa state court in 2009 to possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance (crack cocaine). The court deferred judgment and placed Zazueta on 4 years’ probation. Months later, an Iowa jury found Zazueta guilty of second degree robbery. The court revoked the deferred judgment and probation and sentenced Zazueta to a term not to exceed ten years. The robbery conviction was vacated in 2016 due to ineffective assistance of counsel and the charges were dismissed in 2017. Zazueta then moved to vacate his controlled substance conviction and reinstate the deferred judgment. The state court reinstated the deferred judgment, vacated and set aside the probation revocation and conviction, allowed the withdrawal of the guilty plea, and dismissed the case. The court emphasized that Zazueta had been “rehabilitated” such that “[c]ontinuing probation would serve no rehabilitative purpose.” Zazueta then moved to terminate pending removal proceedings, arguing he no longer had a “conviction” for immigration purposes. The Board of Immigration Appeals ruled that the 2009 deferred judgment still constituted a “conviction” for immigration purposes. The Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals agrees with the BIA. The state court made it clear that its vacatur was grounded in rehabilitative reasons, not any infirmity in the controlled-substance charge: Zazueta v. Barr 2019 WL 847540 (8th Cir., 2/22/19) http://media.ca8.uscourts.gov/opndir/19/02/181074P.pdf
  14. Just remember, Trump's panel couldn't find voter fraud in Democrat-controlled states after those Democrat-controlled states refused to provide any information about voter fraud. Therefore, it didn't happen. Or something. Oh, these states are going to repeal that compact within minutes if Trump wins the "popular vote".
  15. Or AOC literally, which is only literally literal if she isn't mocked for it. If she is, it retroactively becomes "dry humor" and/or "sarcasm".
  16. That is funny. Denver is a sanctuary city, after all.
  17. Can we still weaponize the ignore feature, and/or weaponize not using the ignore feature?!?
  18. The most likely outcome is that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, and says that each state has the right to make its own abortion laws. Then the real liberal tears will flow when half the states completely outlaw abortion, while many others pass absurd up-to-birth laws like King Andrew.
  19. Yeah, that's pretty much the entire point of this CA nonsense. They're trying to artificially inflate the popular vote totals for the Democrat sacrificial lamb.
  20. I'd be down for hittin' that.
  21. I'd have to see more for a definitive determination, but likely pass. Weird looking forehead is a turnoff.
  22. I can't wait for Congress to try to nullify this emergency declaration. You know, because they're consistent like that.
  23. If it did, I'd wager heavily that it was her first day as a Senator (or right before she was sworn in), and had nothing to do with her being a woman.
  24. Interesting proposal, but does it jibe with the treaties on asylum?
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