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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. That's not entirely true. It's difficult chore for Democrats to dig up so many bodies and cart the corpses to a polling station.
  2. Yeah, "speechless". That's the best you halfwits can spin after he ignored an idiotic question?
  3. Grand Island was an odd location to put a major distribution center, but it's not surprising that the asswholes chased them (and the 1,000 jobs) away.
  4. Don't minimize what tremendous news that is.
  5. Huh, from what I heard it could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
  6. So... two years wasn't enough time for Yale to come up with these miraculous documents that would have exonerated them?
  7. Are you kidding? Acosta would suddenly have 'technical difficulties' as soon as she started humiliating him... assuming he had enough of a pair of balls to even accept her challenge.
  8. Worst. Warmonger. Ever.
  9. Damn, more people stand in line to use the bathrooms at a Trump rally than showed up for this?
  10. I think it was a combination of the deplorables comment, and running a victory lap instead of a campaign. If she had paid even a little attention to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc., instead of taking the 'blue wall' for granted, she would have easily won.
  11. I would agree with this. It works in lower population states like Maine and Nebraska, but would be a cluster in larger population states that are heavily gerrymandered like Illinois, Maryland, Pennsyltucky, NY, etc.
  12. By looking at that chart, all I can say is that it's true: Pimpin' ain't, in fact, easy. If it were, Pappa Trump and the Bad Orange Man would be doing it.
  13. Eh, someone has to reach for the low-hanging furry fruits.
  14. Don't forget a slut-shamer if you point out how she sucked Mayor Brown's willie to get into politics.
  15. Please, like he speaks Klingon.
  16. Wait, which 'pu.ssy grabbing crook' is he contemplating? Trump or Biden?
  17. Depends on how much support she needs to procure.
  18. Meh, you shot your wad too soon with this.
  19. Eh, we're just trying to get a rise out of you.
  20. What a sucky thing to point out.
  21. Huh, and here I thought the Lincoln Project was anti-Trump...
  22. Just because razzling some dazzles worked for Harris doesn't mean that he's going to make you his running mate.
  23. I voted for the Libertarian goofball last time (mostly because I would have found it incredibly amusing if they had hit the vote threshold to get federal funding.) Going to vote Trump this time, just to try to screw with the bullcrap 'popular vote' nonsense the Democrats have been spewing since the day *she* wasn't supposed to lose.
  24. Makes me wonder if the 'accidental' release of a pre-written article about Creepy Joe's pick of Harris about 2 weeks ago wasn't intentional to gauge interest and try to swing/leverage a better running mate like Michelle Obama.
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